Saturday (Part 2)

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The movers arrived at 7, the truck packed by 9 and Camila stood in the living room of her now empty house, the house she grew up in, the house where her and Dinah had spend countless nights watching movies and hanging out, the house where she realized she loved Lauren.

"We have to go hija," Sinu said walking into the living room. "Sofi is already in the car and excited to get on the road and-"

"That's because Sofi doesn't know what she's leaving behind," Camila said sadly as she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.

Camila's Mom stepped forward and pulled her daughter into a hug, "You'll be back soon, I know it's hard," Sinu told her. "I'll give you some time, but don't be too long okay?"

As Sinu exited the house to join Alejandro and Sofi in the car, Camila watched the moving truck pull away from the house and even though Camila knew she would be back in Mami in four months, there was something about saying goodbye to the house she had grown up in that was tearing her apart.

"It looks bigger," Dinah said as she made her way into the house and over to Camila. "Bigger than it did with everything in it, but somehow it still feels smaller than it seemed when we were little."

Camila let out a small laugh and smiled, "I remember when we moved in here and I thought it was a mansion."

"It was your mansion," Dinah said wrapping her arms around Camila. "Biggest house you've ever lived in, any idea what your home in California will look like?"

Shaking her head Camila let out a small scoff, "California will never be my home, DJ. It's just a house, Miami is my home," Dinah nodded her understanding as Normani, Ally, and Lauren joined them in the living room and Camila could see fresh tears stained on Lauren's cheeks.

"You ready?" Normani asked, shuffling her feet on the hardwood floor.

"As ready as I think I can be," Camila said to her, motioning to her friends that she needed a hug and all five girls stood in silence, arms wrapped around one another.

"I told you Ally was gonna cry," Dinah mumbled as the girls pulled apart and Ally wiped at her eyes. Normani laughed and smacked her girlfriend lightly on the arm before pulling Ally into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you Chancho," Dinah wailed as she realized this was the last time she would be face to face with her best friend for the next four months.

"I'm gonna miss you more Cheechee," Camila cried as she hugged Dinah once more. "It's not goodbye though-"

"Just see ya later," Dinah finished with a laugh. 

Camila said her goodbyes to Normani and Ally and another to Dinah, because neither girl was quite ready to let the other go. "We will give you a second and meet you outside," Normani told Camila, looking between her and Lauren.

"I gotta go give your parents and Sofi another hug," Dinah said with a watery smile as the girls left the house, leaving Lauren and Camila alone.

"Hey," Lauren said with a sad laugh and Camila threw her arms around Lauren and held her tight. "Text me when you get there," she whispered and Camila pulled back from the hug and pressed a kiss to Lauren's lips.

"I'll be texting you the whole way there," Camila smiled. "Unless I'm sleeping," she laughed and Lauren nodded her head and took a ragged breath.

"I'll not saying goodbye," Lauren told her seriously.

"Good, because neither am I."

Camila hugged Dinah, Normani, Ally, and Lauren, and then Dinah one more time before she got into her parents car and Camila swallowed the lump in her throat as she hung out the window slightly so she could keep her eyes on her friends as her Dad started the engine and backed out of the driveway, waving frantically as the four girls waved back and blew her kisses until the car was out of sight. 

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now