September 30 (Part 1)

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"Hello," Lauren answered her phone as she ducked down in her seat in the back of the lecture hall, confusion in her voice when she saw Camila's name pop up on the screen of her phone. The first time, Lauren ignored the call and quickly began to type out a message to Camila, telling her she was in a lecture, but her phone rang again. "Camz, I'm in class and-"

"Is this Lauren Jauregui," a man's voice rang through the speaker.

"Who is this?"

"My name is Constable Jared McCleary, we found your number stuffed in Camila Cabello's wallet written on an emergency contact card," the officer said, his voice clear and sending an unpleasant shiver down Lauren's spine. "Ma'am, what is your relationship with Miss Cabello?"

"She's my fiancée," Lauren answered quickly, her voice shaking. "Is she okay? What's wrong?"

The man sighed into the phone. He hated these calls, they were one of his least favourite things about his job. "Camila Cabello had been in a bad car accident, she is being taken to the Mercy Hospital-"

"I'm on my way," Lauren nearly shouted as she grabbed her bag and ran from the lecture hall, her fingers fumbling with her phone as she sent a panicked message to Dinah.


Lauren: Camila's been in a car accident

Lauren: Mercy Hospital. Get to Mercy Hospital. Now! Call the girls!

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now