May 19

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Lauren: Um.. Baby? I haven't even boarded my flight yet..

Camila: I know, I know.. But I've been here since 4 AM

Lauren: What!? Camz that's crazy!!

Camila: Shh I'm excited and I couldn't sleep!!!

Lauren: Hahaha I love you

Lauren: I wish I was there already, this is going to be the LONGEST flight in the world!!!

Lauren: ..I'm about to board

Camila: So you're gonna have to turn your phone off?

Lauren: Unfortunately

Camila: See you soon, baby!

Lauren: See you soon, my love!


-Camila added Normani-

-Camila added Ally-

-Camila added Dinah-

Camila: ONE

Camila: HOUR


Dinah: I don't know.. Who?

Normani: No idea..

Ally: Is it Sofi?

Camila: Guuuuuys!

Dinah: Haha

Normani: Ha! Sorry boo boo!

Ally: So tell us.. How excited are you exactly?

Camila: I've been at the airport since 4 AM and I bought flowers! And she's gonna be here in an hour and I'm just like.. Chilling outside the gate.. Watching out the window

Camila: Maybe the flight will be early

Camila: I got her roses.. Are roses okay?

Camila: Maybe I should have gotten daisies..

Dinah: Roses are fine Mila

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