October 5

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When Lauren woke up, she was on the floor in hers and Camila's studio slash library with the blanket that was usually across the back of their couch splayed out over her and she was alone. Lauren took a breath, her eyes squeezed shut as she lifted the blanket.

"Fuck," Lauren mumbled out when she opened her eyes to see herself dressed in just a pair of red lace panties and a Pink Floyd t-shirt with no recollection of getting home. Sitting up, Lauren's hands immediately came up to her head and she let out a loud groan, her pounding headache and inevitable hangover hitting her full force. Her school sweater and her jeans were discarded in a pile in front of Camila's desk and Camila's school sweater and shorts were discarded in the same pile, mixed in with hers. "Fuck," Lauren said again, mentally berating herself for getting drunk and having sex with Camila when she had tried so hard not to let herself go there until she knew her and Camila were on a solid ground emotionally and mentally. Throwing back the covers, Lauren picked herself up off the floor and made her way out of the room, "Camz?" She called out after checking the bedroom to find that Camila wasn't occupying the space. 

"In here," Camila shot back, Lauren following the sound of her voice down the hallway and into the living room. Black panties that barely left anything to the imagination, a baggy grey sweater that read No pants are the best pants across the front and her hair a mess of tangles and soft curls. "Uh, morning," Camila mumbled, shifting nervously as she stared down at the floor, Fish laying at the base of the couch chewing on the stuffed banana Lauren had bought her at the pet store a couple days earlier. Camila was sitting cross legged and she was drumming nervous fingers across her thighs. "Do you, uh, Laur what do you remember from last night?"

Lauren let out a small chuckle as she turned and headed into the kitchen where the smell of fresh coffee was wafting from the confines of the coffee maker. "Honestly, not much," Lauren said loudly as she poured the hot black liquid into the mug that was already sitting and waiting for her. "What time is it anyways?" Lauren asked as she glanced over to the microwave. "Holy shit, it's the afternoon," she breathed out, hearing the faint sound of laughter coming from Camila. "How about you, remember much?"

When Lauren reappeared in the living room, Camila bit down on her lip and shook her head, "Kind of, not really."

"Kind of, not really?" Lauren questioned, leaning up against the wall, watching Camila curiously. "Are you okay? You look freaked out."

"Uh, I remember sitting under the bridge," Camila mumbled with shaky breaths. "That's it, I don't remember leaving the bridge and I don't remember going home and fuck, do you- Laur, you need to sit down," she said as moved her fingers to tap the empty space on the couch beside her. 

"Camz, what's wrong? You're actu-"

"For fuck sakes, Lauren! Just sit the fuck down!" Camila snapped, immediately regretting it when she saw Lauren flinch and she moved a hand up to run through her hair. "Shit, sorry. Fuck. I didn't mean to- I'm freaking out and I really need you to just come sit down for a minute, please?"

Lauren sucked in a deep breath and nodded, crossing the space between the wall and the couch, immediately setting down her coffee as she crawled onto the couch beside Camila. "Is it okay if I-"

"Yes, please," Camila whispered as Lauren pulled Camila into a hug. "Laur, I think we have a problem and it might not be a problem, but you might be mad, I'm not. I'm just really shocked and kind of confused and I really don't remember any of it and I'm just freaking out, because how am I- How are we gonna- This isn't- It wasn't- Fuck," Camila mumbled, a single tear sliding down her cheek. 

Lauren caught it, wiping away the moisture with the pad of her thumb as she tilted her head to get a better look at Camila, "You're scaring me. What's going on?"

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