June 8

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Camila: Morning my love, I slipped out around 8.. Al and I went to the Landlord's office across town to pick up our apartment keys

Camila: You looked so cute wrapped up in the blankets I didn't wanna wake you

Camila: I'll bring back coffee

Lauren: Hey Camz! Coffee sounds great, just rolling out of bed now haha

Lauren: I can't believe we get the keys to OUR apartment today

Lauren: See you when you get back. And by the way you left a nice line of bite marks on my thighs last night

Camila: They'll match the ones you left on my hips

Lauren: Oops sorry

Camila: Don't worry about it, I like them

Lauren: Wanky

Camila: Only for you, babe

Lauren: When you and Al come back wanna do lunch with the girls?

Camila: Sure, Ally says yes too

Lauren: Awesome sauce

Camila: Haha


Lauren: You and DJ wanna come hangout for a bit? Ally and Camz went to go pick up the keys for our apartments.. Figure we could all go for lunch and then go check em' out??

Normani: Sure, DJ's just in the shower

Normani: We'll head over to yours in a bit

Lauren: Okie dokie


Dinah: We're heading over to Lauren's to meet you guys for lunch

Dinah: Did you and Al get the keys?

Camila: We did! We're on our way back, about to stop for coffee.. You and Mani want something?

Dinah: The usual, please

Camila: You got it!

Camila: Don't forget to bring the surprise we bought the other day!

Dinah: I wouldn't dare forget!!

Camila: Woo! NEIGHBOURS!!


Lauren: When do you and Alejandro arrive?

Sinu: We are on the road now, we should be arriving around 3:30 tomorrow afternoon

Lauren: I know Camz and I said we would meet you at our apartment to unload our things, but do you think you guys could meet me first? I need to talk to you both about something without Camila there

Sinu: I suppose we can let Karla know we won't be arriving until just before dinner

Sinu: Where would you like us to meet you?

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now