October 31 (Part 2)

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"Where is my Camz?" Lauren slurred, joining Ally and Normani at one of the many tables covered in booze at the frat party. "I can't find my Camz," pouting out her bottom lip, Lauren looked at her friends and let out a small whimper before holding her cup out to them. "No Camz and no booze makes Lauren sad pants."

Ally rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she took Lauren's cup and held it under the spout of one of the kegs sitting on the table before handing it back to her with a small smile. "You should probably slow down, we've only been here for a few hours and you're already pretty wasted."

"I think Mila is-"

"I need you all to come with me right away," Dinah screamed, rushing over to the three girls. "It's Mila, she's- Fuck, follow me!" 

Normani, Ally, and Lauren both panicked, scrambling through the sea of drunk University students and out into the back yard and when their feet hit the deck, Dinah started laughing and pointing across the grassy area. "She's, holy shit look at her go," she said through her fit of giggles. 

"What the-"

"How is she-"

"She's so little though," Ally concluded after Lauren and Normani's failed attempts at creating an actual sentence. 

"Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine." 

A group of frat brothers in Hurricane football jerseys were standing around a large silver keg, two of them holding Camila upside down by the ankles while she flawlessly completed a keg stand, absolutely slaughtering the last guy's number. 

"Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three."

Dinah, Ally, Normani, and Lauren all stood on the deck with wide eyes as they watched Camila and listened to the counting and chanting, loud cheers erupting as they hit forty and watched Camila tap the side of the keg with her right hand, signalling that she could no longer take it. The girls watched as the football players set a very drunk Princess Jasmine, with glazed over eyes onto the ground and just as they started to walk across the deck, Lauren froze in front of them, bringing them all to a halt. 

"Wow, Babe," one of the frat brothers drunkenly drawled out. "That was hot," Camila let out a small giggle, while across the yard, Lauren let out a low growl. 

"She's gay," Normani whispered, as if she felt the need to remind Lauren, but Lauren just narrowed her eyes and shook her head. 

"Freshman year of Uni were fucking gay, but all the fucking booze you drank during spring break still got you into bed with Arin," Lauren spat out as she watched Camila swaying in her spot, still talking to a bunch of horny men. Normani not really having a reply to what Lauren had just said.

Lauren swallowed the lump in her throat, tensing immediately as she watched the guy standing in front of Camila step in closer, his hands immediately finding her backside as he pulled her into him, slurring his words as he spoke loudly. "Why don't we get out of here, I got a bed with your-"

There was a loud crack that echoed through the backyard, the sound of Camila's open hand slapping against the football player's face as she pushed him back with the other and stepped out of his grasp. "I-" Camila yelled, her words slow as she did her best to enunciate every word, despite her intoxicated state. "I'm happily married, don't fucking touch me!" 

Dinah's eyes flicked from the scene by the keg over to Lauren who was visibly relaxing, a drunken and dopey smile threatening to cover her entire face and Dinah nudged Normani and then Ally before pointing at Lauren, the three of them bursting into laughter and the pure look of drunken happiness on their friend's face. "Camz," Lauren yelled, ignoring the three girls standing around her. "Camz, ignore him. He's stupid and he has a dumb face, come love me."

Camila whipped around from her spot where she was standing and glaring at the man who had just crossed the line with her and for a moment Lauren could see a spark of panic in Camila's eyes when she realized what she had seen, so Lauren just winked and mouthed an "It's okay," with a slight nod of her head and a smile. Camila turned and gave the guy she had just been glaring at one last hard stare before she stumbled across the lawn, Lauren and the girls meeting her half way. "I didn't-" Camila started, but Lauren leaned in, capturing Camila's lips with her own. 

"Thank you," Lauren whispered as she pulled back, one hand still resting on Camila's cheek. 

Camila nodded, her head falling to the side to rest further against Lauren's hand as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I love you, I would never-"

"I know," Lauren cut her off with a smile. 


"I'm gonna puke if ya'll don't stop being so cute," Ally laughed out with a roll of her eyes. "Seriously, it's kind of gross."

"Shut up you," Camila mocked, reaching out a hand and poking Ally in the shoulder. "Let's go do some shots okay, because it is the Halloweens and this is the first year Dinah and I didn't get to go trick or treating so let's do shots until I don't remember that tomorrow I will wake up without multiple bags of free candy."

"Ya'll went trick or treating last year?" Ally inquired sarcastically, an eyebrow raised in suspicion. "A little old for that don't you-"

"You're never to old for candy, Ally!" Dinah shouted, her foot stomping on the ground as she crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. 

Camila shrugged her shoulders and looked at Dinah sadly, "We have no candy to trade each other and we-"

"I bought seven boxes," Lauren whispered, leaning down so her mouth was hovering next to Camila's ear. "You don't think I'd let you go through a whole Halloween without getting candy do you?"

Dinah's mouth dropped as she heard Lauren speaking to Camila, who turned to her wife with a squeal as she wrapped her arms around her and enveloped her in a messy hug. "Did you buy me candy?" Dinah asked hopefully as she turned to Normani with an optimistic smile. 

"Uh, I-"

"She didn't," Lauren interrupted, causing Normani to narrow her eyes at her. "She said you were too old for Halloween candy."

Dinah's face crumpled, but Ally let out a laugh and wrapped her arms around her middle, "Don't worry Biggie, I bought you some candy. Only three boxes though."

"Three?" Dinah asked, her face lighting up at the prospect of having any amount of candy at all. 

"Uh huh," Ally laughed. "I put them on your dresser before we left, it was gonna be a surprise, but-"

Dinah turned in Ally's arms and gave her a hug, mumbling her thanks before turning to Normani with a smirk. "Ally is my new girlfriend, you suck," she said before sticking out her tongue. "Ally, wanna come dance with me?"

"Yes ma'am, Agent Hansen, ma'am," Ally giggled as she allowed Dinah to pull her back towards the pumping music coming from inside the house. 

"Did I just lose my girlfriend to Ally?" Normani scoffed, her arms folded across her chest. 

Camila and Lauren both burst into laughter, nodding their heads and holding onto one another for support as Normani huffed and stormed into the house after her girlfriend and her new dance partner. "Dinah Jane, you get back here," Normani yelled as she pushed past a group of sorority sisters dressed as zombie cheerleaders. 

"Hi," Lauren giggled out as hers and Camila's laughter started to subside. "It's just us now."

"And all these people," Camila whispered, leaning in as she waved her hand around at the other party goers. "Wanna go play drinking games?"

"I do, very much so," Lauren replied with a large smile. "You're a very good keg stander person, where did you learn to do that."

"I've had a lot of practice swallowing," Camila shot back without missing a beat, Lauren's eyes widening. 

"Sometimes," Lauren laughed out. "I miss when you were all innocent and cute."

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