May 20

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A/N: Lauren shut down Camren today, hard and I wanted to make it known that I ship them fictionally only. I do not ship them in real life. I just find their personalities fun to write and aesthetically pleasing. That is why my stories are AU. I do not nor have I ever believed Camren is really, real. I stan their friendship or what used to be their friendship, I only post Camren things on Wattpad. No where else. I support them both as individuals. 


Camila: I never thought I'd be doing this alone

Dinah: Doing what Chancho?

Camila: Getting ready for prom..

Camila: I always thought you'd be here with me

Dinah: Damn Cabello, way to make me feel like shit

Camila: Sorry

Dinah: Nah I get it

Camila: Lauren's helping you though, right?

Camila: No

Dinah: ???

Camila: She's getting ready for tonight by herself, actually she is taking Sofi out for the day.. She had a hair appointment and what not

Camila: I have Mama.. But it's not the same as having you here..

Dinah: Skype me while you're getting ready okay?

Camila: Okay

Camila: I have a hair appointment in like 20 minutes

Dinah: Text me the whole time

Camila: Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt your day..

Dinah: Mani and I are just watching movies all day with Ally..

Dinah: And even if I was doing something, you're never an interruption to me Mila

Camila: Thanks Cheech

Dinah: Anytime Boo!


"Mama, I'm ready to go," Camila announced as she made her way into the kitchen.

Sinu smiled and got up from the table, setting her coffee cup in the sink before turning to Camila. "I can't believe it's prom already," Sinu sniffled. "My baby is growing up so fast and you'll be leaving for University in like 10 days and-"

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora