October 6 (Part 2)

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-Dinah added Ally-

-Dinah added Normani-

-Dinah added Lauren-

-Dinah added Camila-

Dinah: Have fun at dinner hahhahaha you guys are gonna get yelled at for sure Hahaha

Normani: Can you film this dinner for me? It's been a while since I've seen Clara lose her shit on Lauren

Ally: Ya'll are gonna be in sooo much trouble!!!

Lauren: This isn't helpful

Camila: Why must you all be like this??

Dinah: Same reason you bitches got married without us there to see it. We're asshole!

Camila: Rude AF

Ally: Who wants to place bets about who cries first??

Dinah: Definitely Camila

Normani: Nah it'll be Lauren for sure

Ally: They'll probably both be crying before they even get in the house

Lauren: Fuck you

Camila: Supportive friends.. I wonder what it would be like to have those..

Dinah: I'm supportive! Supportive of the fact that you two are gonna get your asses beat by Clara and Mike

Ally: What time you two going over to the house?

Lauren: We have to be there in 10 minutes

Camila: We are currently sitting in the parking lot at the park down the street

Normani: Hahahhaa LOSERS!


"You ready for this?" Lauren asked nervously as she turned off her car and moved to unbuckle her seat belt. "Because it's not to late, we can run away if you want?"

Camila let out a low chuckle and looked at Lauren with a smile and a nod. "I'm as ready as I'm going to get, we're gonna have to face the music eventu- Fuck!" 

"What? What's wrong?" Lauren sputtered out when Camila's eyes widened and Lauren slowly turned towards the house, following Camila's line of sight. "Oh fuck, is that?"

"My parents," Camila breathed as she took in the sight of her Mom and Dad standing on the Jauregui's front porch with Mike and Clara. "We're going to die today, it was nice knowing you Lolo. I really enjoyed these two days of being married to you."

"Do you think they'll bury us next to one another?" Lauren asked as she swallowed the lump rising in her throat. "Because-"

"I hope so."

"Alright," Lauren groaned as she turned back to Camila. "Shall we?"

"I don't think we have a choice in the matter," Camila said with a heavy sigh. "They're shooting daggers and if we don't get out of the car soon, they might come and drag us out."

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ