November 23 (Part 1)

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Camila: Video MSG attached

Camila: Sorry I didn't get a chance to see you this morning, had to get to work early.. New shipment of books came in today!! Yay!!

Camila: See you after work.. I will pick you up and we can head to the grocery store to get everything that we need for Thanksgiving

Lauren: Forever saving that video in my phone!! I love you too, baby! See you this afternoon

Camila: PS. I picked you up some new canvases.. Noticed you were running low on them.. Got you some new paint brushes and some paints too! I put them in the studio before I left this morning

Camila: Have fun working on your gallery paintings today! I'm so proud of you.. In case I haven't said it enough

Lauren: What did I do to deserve you?

Camila: You didn't have to do anything. You love me with your whole heart and that is more than enough!

Lauren: I don't deserve you after everything I did wrong

Camila: Laur..

Camila: We are going to talk about this later okay?

Lauren: No.. It's okay.. I'm fine

Camila: I know you well enough to know that isn't true

Lauren: It's fine, Camz.. Really.. Just had a bad dream last night. . Put me in a weird head space

Camila: Go put paint to paper.. You'll feel better. . And we WILL talk about this later

Camila: I love you, nothing changes that and nothing ever will! I love you, I love you, I love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Lauren: I love you too

Lauren: Forever and for always, no matter what ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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