Down Music Video and Update Promise

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I promise to update all my fics soon. Just been dealing with some personal stuff.

But can we talk about the Down music video for a second..

Are they hookers? I'm pretty sure they are hookers..

Is Gucci their pimp or a customer? Why are they at that hotel so late at night?

And were the real stars of the video the random flamingos they panned to when Gucci was rapping or were they just trying to distract us from how bad his rapping skills are? Can it even be considered a skill?

Also who allowed Lauren to drive? I would not get in a car with her driving.. She was probably driving under the influence.. Also she drove.. So maybe she is pimping out the other girls..

And did they rip off their own choreography from WFH for this video?

I have so many questions..

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