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Epilogue 1



The League traveled to Gotham to stop the giant Star known as Starro. The city was evacuated and the League was ready to go. Superman led the League so he charged first. He went to the middle of the Starro and hit the eye.

"Batman! Throw a frag at the eye!" Superman commanded, Batman threw a frag grenade at the Starro's eye.

Flash ran to the Starro's tentacles and punched all five them. The Starro was getting hurt. Wonder Woman chopped off the tentacles with her sword as Green Lantern did the same with his construct.

Kara used her heat vision and targeted the Starro's Eye. Cyborg did the same with his rocket launcher.

Captain Marvel picked up the Starro and yelled, "SHAZAM!"

The last thing that the Starro saw before it fell unconscious was the Justice League standing tall in a line that looked legendary.

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