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Chapter 9



Batman had called Flash, Green Lantern, and Cyborg to come to the Batcave. He had called them because they were apart of his plan, the Justice League.

Batman turned to Barry, "Where's John?"

"He didn't want to come." Barry said.

"We'll move on without him, right now the world needs more than ever." Batman replied. He spoke to Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Shazam, and Kara, "As you may have heard, Aquaman, the international terrorist has destroyed two oil rigs and one navy ship. I have called you all here for help against him."

"With all your special abilities, we can stop him." Superman said.

"What do you want us to do right now?" Cyborg asked.

"We're going to Atlantis." Batman said.

"Atlantis?!" Wonder Woman asked.

"You're going to show us where it is." Batman said. "I assume you know where it is since you and your sisters were allies with them at one point."

"I know where it is." Wonder Woman said.

"Lead us there." Batman stated.

He got in his Batboat ready to go to Atlantis. Flash and Cyborg jumped in too. He started the engine and started flying. The others went in front of him with Wonder Woman leading.

"What about her? Can we trust her? You told me she's Kryptonian." Cyborg pointed to Kara while he was in the boat.

"We can, she helped fight Atlanteans we encountered yesterday." Shazam said.

"This way." Wonder Woman said.

Wonder Woman put on a portable breathing mask and dove down into water. The others followed. Superman and Kara were able to hold their breath under water. When swimming, they saw schools of fish.

After seeing the fish, they saw five sharks that wanted to eat them.

"Arthur must have sent them." Wonder Woman said.

"Don't worry, I'll take them." Kara said.

Kara grabbed two and threw them at two other sharks knocking all four of them out. Next, Kara picked up the last one and threw him above water. Kara didn't kill. She had the same good heart as Superman.

They swam towards a giant city with a bubble around it. It was Atlantis. There were three guards in front of the entrance.

"Attack them!" One guard ordered.

All there guards charged at the heroes. Cyborg put on a breathing mask and Flash did too.

They got out boat and attacked two guards. Wonder Woman used her lasso and tied the last one up. Batman got out of his boat and put on a breathing mask.

Wonder Woman lead the League and they entered the great city where they saw Aquaman standing tall with his trident in his right hand. The city surprisingly had no water surrounding it so the Leaguers wearing a breathing mask took the mask off

"Hello Diana, I've been expecting you and your friends." Aquaman said.

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