Legion of Doom

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Chapter 3

Legion of Doom

Sterling City Rooftops

Ocean Master and Aquaman gathered some of the most dangerous land dwellers at the Sterling City Rooftops. They gathered Joker, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Parasite, Solomon Grundy, Captain Cold, Killer Moth, and Prometheus.

"Oooooo, Sterling City, I love this place, their Police Department doesn't hate me like GCPD." Joker said, he looked at Ocean Master, "What's up with your mask?" After he turned to Aquaman, "Sup Aquaman, big fan. Love the terror you put into people, like that one time you used your trident to-

"You got to your point Joker," Prometheus said, he turned to Ocean Master, "What's your name?"

"Ocean Master."

"Why'd you call us?" Mirror Master asked. "We have things to do, women to marry."

"I need your help killing every single Land Dweller there is." Ocean Master said.

"Impossible, we try all the time. Never works, Batman or Wonder Woman always gets in the way." Cheetah replied.

"What if an army of ten thousand was at your side?" Ocean Master asked.

"That may work, but what's in it for us?" Parasite asked.

"You get to rule the world with us, enslave people and children, command them what to do, I don't see why you wouldn't do it." Aquaman said.

"You made your point. This plan does sound assuring, I'm in." Captain Cold said.

"So am I, I would love to rule the world." Mirror Master said.

"If you don't want to help us, walk away, but if you walk away I'll have to kill you." Ocean Master said.

"Well boys, looks like you given us no choice." Cheetah said.

"We're all in then. Hahahahaha!" Joker laughed.

"Not me." Killer Moth said. "I don't know about you guys but I like the human race and I don't want it ruled by mermaids."

Joker shot Killer Moth in the head with a revolver. Killer Moth's head hit the floor with blood dripping out of it.

"Drury ol boy." Joker laughed. "It seems you lost your head when you denied ruling the world. Ahahahaha!"

"I like him." Ocean Master stated to his brother.

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