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Chapter 4



Superman was reading the Kryptonian Words on the gold vessel that Kara came in. Batman had brought it to the Batcave after he discovered it.

"This vessel contains my daughter Kara Zor El, treat her as you would your own your own child, as she will be a treasure to your world." Superman read.

"Treasure? Are you sure you read it right?" Batman asked.

"Yes, it's like reading an article." Superman said.

"She doesn't seem like much of a treasure to me, she tried to kill me, Clark." Batman replied.

"If you called me, maybe you wouldn't have almost been killed." Superman said.

"Sorry Clark, but I don't work with you all the time, I only work with you if there's a threat I can't overcome by myself." Batman said.

Wonder Woman heard their conversation while watching the news and spoke, "Well there is a threat that you both need to attend to. Aquaman and some supervillians are destroying another rig and they have twenty hostages, including District Attorney, Harvey Dent." Wonder Woman said, "I'm thinking Aquaman hired them."

"What's Dent doing there!?" Batman asked.

"He was doing an investigation on the rig. There was a murder there." Wonder Woman said.

"Did he have bodyguards?" Superman said.

"They're dead." Wonder Woman said.

"Who were the hostage takers?" Batman asked.

"Joker and Cheetah." Wonder Woman replied.

"Figures. Let's go, before they kill anybody else." Batman commanded. He jumped in his boat. Batman started the engine and drove to the oil rig.

They got to the rig in five minutes where they saw Joker laughing and shooting a gun up in the air. He was carrying a rocket launcher on his back.

"Batsy!" Joker yelled, "I'm up here!"

He threw his gun at the Batboat and got his rocket launcher out. He shot a rocket at the Batboat and Batman pressed the eject button and got out of the boat right before it exploded. "Batsy, come on. I want to be the ruler of the world! Just die already!"

Joker got another handgun out of his purple jacket and tried to shoot Batman but Wonder Woman picked up Batman and deflected the bullets.

Superman flew towards the rig and tried to attack Joker but Joker ran inside the rig. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman followed him inside where they saw Cheetah, Aquaman and ten Atlantean soldiers.

Aquaman looked at Wonder Woman, "Diana?"

"Oooooo, looks like Aquaman and Wonder Woman know each other." Joker laughed. Cheetah elbowed Joker in the stomach. "Ow, what was that for?"

"Just shut up stupid clown." Cheetah said. Cheetah started to charge at Wonder Woman. Aquaman stopped her.

"Diana! Do you know him?" Batman questioned.

"I-," Wonder Woman got interrupted because Aquaman threw his trident at Batman. "No!"

Batman lied down on the floor, with a trident in his chest. Batman removed the trident from his body still alive. His high tech armor kept the trident from killing Batman. If Batman was wearing his armored Batsuit, the trident would've just deflected right off his chest.

Batman threw two Batarangs Aquaman. They hit him but the Batarangs didn't hurt Aquaman at all. Batman went up to Aquaman and swung at his trident. Hurting his hands, Batman kept punching. Aquaman just stood there, unharmed.

"Batman! Stop!" Wonder Woman said.

Batman's hands started to bleed. After a few more punches, Aquaman smacked Batman and sent him flying towards a wall. Wonder Woman ran over to Batman.

"Okay, that's it." Superman flew towards Aquaman. Superman's fist went into Aquaman's stomach. Aquaman fell on the floor.

"Soldiers! Kill the hostages!" Aquaman commanded. The solders killed nineteen hostages.

One soldier was about to kill Dent but Joker interrupted him, "I would keep him if I were you, some sucker is gonna want him and you could bargain with the sucker."

"Keep him," Aquaman commanded. He was getting helped up by his soldiers. "Don't follow us, if you do, you'll die." Aquaman, Joker, Cheetah, and the Soldiers walked out of the rig taking Dent with them.

Superman started to charge at Aquaman, "Kal, don't." Wonder Woman said holding Batman, "Let him go, he and his army are too much of a threat for just the three of us."

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