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❗️slight mention of "drug use" if you count marijuana as a drug which I don't but just a disclaimer❗️

I walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen with only a towel around my waist.
Walking in I didn't expect Jon and Spencer to be sitting at the table already eating my food.
"Hey that's mine you assholes!" I said and walked over reaching in between them grabbing what was left.
Spencer and Jon laughed softly, Ryan joining in with them.
"Sorry. You weren't out here it was just sitting there getting cold." Spencer said.
I rolled my eyes and put the plate back down in front of them.
"Whatever eat it I'll wait until tonight. Ryan's gonna grill for us anyways." I said.
"Who said I was doing it?" Ryan chimed in, taking a bite of his food.
"The three of us who can't cook mother Ross." Jon said and took a bite of the chicken breast in front of him.
I laughed softly and walked over, sitting in Ryan's lap, stealing a piece of his food.
"Mhm! You're the only one that can cook. None of us can remember what happened last time you left one of us in charge?" I said.
"Hey Spence! Can you keep an eye on this?! I gotta make a quick run to the store I forgot something." Ryan said.
Spencer looked at his best friend like he was the most insane person he knew.
"What are you talking about! I can't cook ry you know this!" Spencer said quickly.
"Spence you'll be fine. Just flip it in a few minutes that's all." Ryan said.
Spencer groaned and huffed.
"Fine, fine, whatever. Hurry up so I don't burn it." He said.
Ryan smiled and nodded looking over at Brendon.
"Keep an eye on him baby. I'll be back soon." He said.
Brendon smiled and nodded getting up.
"Gimme a kiss first." He said.
Ryan smiled and leaned down, kissing him gently.
"I love you. I'll see you soon." He said to the shorter brunette boy.
Brendon smiled up at him and nodded.
"I love you too hurry back." He said and kissed Ryan's cheek.
Ryan smiled and walked inside, grabbing his keys leaving Jon, Spencer and Brendon to keep watch over their food.
Jon looked over at Spencer, his eyes glazed over from the weed he had already been smoking.
"Spenceeee here." He said, holding the joint out to him.
Spencer smiled and walked over taking it, putting it between his lips. He took a small hit from it, pulling it from between his lips inhaling the smoke into his lungs.
Brendon leaned over and put his hand out.
"Gimme that." He said.
Spencer passed it to him, blowing the smoke out, coughing slightly as he did.
Brendon took it and repeated Spencer's actions, taking a slightly bigger hit.
Before they knew it they had forgotten all about the meat on the grill and it had burnt to nothing.
Ryan walked in, walking out the back door to where the other three were sat, stoned out of their minds, food having been forgotten and burnt.
End of flashback
"Okay yeah touché." Ryan said and chuckled.
I heard a knock at the door and walked out of the kitchen, answering.
"Pete! Did ry call you?" I asked.
"Yeah. And I brought this." He said and lifted the case of beer.
I smiled and took it from him.
"Okay come in, everyone's in the kitchen. Ryan's gonna grill tonight." I said.
Pete nodded and smiled walking behind me into the kitchen.
I smiled and put the case of beer on the table.
"Pete has arrived." I said and pushed another chair to the table from the bar.
Ryan smiled and waved.
"Hey pete. You ready to help me cook? Cause I know you can all these little shits are no good together. They'll be stoned in an hour." He said.
Pete chuckled and nodded opening the case of beer, pulling two bottles out. He passed one to Ryan before sitting down.
"What are we making?" He asked.
"Probably just some barbecue chicken. I didn't know we were doing any of this until about an hour ago so nothing special." He said.
Pete nodded and passed Ryan a bottle.
"When do you wanna start?" He asked opening his.
"We can start now." Ryan said, popping the cap off of his as well.
"Okay you have the food out?" Pete asked standing up.
"Yup sure do." Ryan said and walked to the fridge pulling the chicken breasts out.
Pete nodded and opened the cabinet pulling the honey barbecue sauce out.
"This one good?" He asked.
"Honey barbecue okay with all of you?" Ryan asked the three men sitting around the dining room table.
"Yeah sounds good!" Brendon said and turned back to his conversation with Jon and Spencer.
Ryan nodded and grabbed the meat walking to the back yard with Pete.
They walked to the barbecue and moved the racks on it to pour the charcoal in, pouring lighter fluid over it. They lit it and let it heat up before throwing the meat on it.
"So how are things between you and Brendon going?" Pete asked.
"They're good. I know he misses the sex and everything but I wanna give him better than I did before." Ryan said, walking over to the two chairs in Brendon's back yard.
"Well you two always had each other's tongues shoved down the others throat half the time but I get what you're saying." He said and sat in the chair beside him.
Ryan nodded and took a sip of his beer, watching Brendon laugh at a joke Spencer made.
"I feel bad but at the same time I don't. I just want him to know I love him." Ryan said.
"Ryan, Brendon knows you do. He looks at you with pure admiration in his eyes." Pete said. "But don't think just cause you guys aren't having sex that he doesn't." Pete said and pat Ryan's shoulder.
Ryan nodded and smiled softly looking at Brendon sitting at the table and he knew that was his everything, sitting in that chair, laughing at a stupid joke that their best friend had made. He knew that the sight in front of him was his forever and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now