14 💔

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Just as Ryan had said he showed up at exactly 7.
I heard the knock on the door and smiled walking over to it and opened it to see Ryan with his hand behind his back.
He stood there with his hair combed back in black T-shirt and a pair of black shorts to match.
"I figured since our first part of the date is on the beach I'd wear this." He said and smiled.
I smiled and shook my head.
"It's perfect don't worry about it." I said.
Ryan smiled and pulled his other hand from behind his back holding a small bouquet of roses.
"These are for you." He said and held them out to me.
I laughed softly and took them putting my face in them.
I loved the smell of roses.
"You actually got me roses. Thank you they're beautiful." I said holding them in my hand.
Ryan's smile made my heart leap to my throat.
"I'm glad you like them." He said.
I smiled and gasped softly.
"God come in I'm sorry. I'm all focused on the flowers." I said and stepped back so he could enter.
Ryan laughed softly and stepped in the house again closing the door behind him.
"I'm gonna go put these in the freezer so they don't die then I'll be back." I said. (In case you didn't know that's actually a thing. Put any flower bouquet in the freezer and they won't die for a long time)
Ryan smiled and nodded.
"Okay take your time I'm not in any rush." He said.
I smiled and walked to the kitchen putting the small bouquet in the freezer before walking back out.
"Okay we can go now." I said.
He smiled and opened the door for me moving back so I could walk out.
"You first." He said.
I laughed and walked out the door to the car.
"You doing that makes me seem like a girl ya know. Plus you're acting like such a gentleman I missed my Ryan. And it makes me seem like such a bottom but I like it this way." I said.
Ryan smiled.
"Doesn't matter which one you are you're you that's all that matters to me." He said and walked to the car opening the door for me.
I kissed his cheek gently.
"You're such a gentleman. I missed this while you were gone." I said.
Ryan's cheeks heated up and he smiled looking down.
"I try. Get in." He said softly.
I smiled and got in the car sitting in the passenger seat.
Ryan closed the door and I watched as he walked to the drivers side slipping into the car.
"So picnic first then we can go to the fair." He said and started the car.
"Sounds perfect Ryan." I said softly.
With that Ryan started driving.
We arrived to the beach and Ryan got out walking to my side opening the door.
I got out and stretched my legs out as he got the basket and a blanket from the back seat of his car.
I watched him and smiled.
"You really are going all out for this aren't you?" I asked.
Ryan turned to me and smiled.
"Of course I am. I'm taking the one and only Brendon Urie on a date for the first time in forever. I'm making it perfect." He said and put his hand out.
I smiled and shook my head taking his hand gently.
We walked to the shore hand in hand in a comfortable silence.
Ryan smiled and laid the blanket out setting the basket in the middle of it.
He sat down and smiled tapping the empty spot beside him signaling for me to sit.
I sat down and he opened the basket pulling out the food and drinks.
"I just made sandwiches and bought some fruit. I also brought flavored water, soda and sweet tea." He said.
I smiled and grabbed one of the sandwiches.
"You didn't have to buy all of this Ryan." I said and opened it starting to eat.
"It's okay don't sweat it I wanted to." He said softly.
I smiled and shook my head.
"You're too sweet." I said softly.
Ryan chuckled softly and leaned back.
"Thank you Bren." He said softly his head turning as he looked over at me.
I smiled softly and looked up at him.
"For what?" I asked softly.
"For giving me this chance to take you out again." He said.
I reached over and moved some hair off of his forehead gently.
"I wouldn't have said no. I missed you too much and when you asked me to go out this morning I was excited." I said.
Ryan smiled and reached up grabbing my hand gently, entwining our fingers.
I smiled and leaned over resting my head on his shoulder, watching the sun set over the water as we ate the food Ryan brought.
Watching the sun set was one of my favorite things to do with him.
Watching the colors reflect on the water and hearing the different sounds of the ocean is so peaceful. It helps my mind relax and helps me focus on things at hand instead of overthinking the past.
Not only that but looking up at Ryan when the light caught his eyes just right and made them look like the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on.
For the next hour we just sat there in a comfortable silence only exchanging words a few times watching as the sun disappeared below the horizon.
When it was completely out of sight and the sky no longer held the pink and orange hues of light Ryan stood up and put his hand out for me.
"I believe we have a fair to go to." He said and smiled. 
I smiled and stood up taking his hand gently.
"Yes I believe we do." I said softly as he laced our fingers together.
He smiled and picked the stuff up walking to the car and put it in the trunk.
"We're just gonna walk since we aren't too far away." He said.
"That sounds good. I'd rather walk than drive anyways." I said and started walking with him.
"I think the fresh air is good. Just get a break from being confined. We can just get some nice air and enjoy ourselves." He said swinging our hands.
I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. The air was something I needed." I said.
"Me too Bren. Me too." He said.
There were no more words after that. Just the relaxing sound of the waves crashing against the shore as we made our way to the peer.

Is anyone else going to any Panic! or TØP shows? I'm going to both for Nashville

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now