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I slowly woke up, my eyes adjusting to the bright white light in my face. I could hear voices around me and if I have to be honest it was freaking me the hell out cause I could feel the heat of bodies around me.
Wait. Bodies?! I'm supposed to be dead for fucks sake!
When my eyes finally adjusted I looked around at the people..no no wrong word Angels around me.
So I am dead. Good. Finally I succeeded in something.
One of the angels looked down at me.
"Hey look you're awake!" He said causing another to look down at me.
"Cmon you have somewhere to be Mr. Urie." One of the angels said to me and pulled me up.
"Uh..where are we going?" I asked walking with the overly excited angel.
"The big man has been waiting for your arrival Brendon. You're already quite infamous you see." He said.
"Oh..for what?" I asked.
"You're quite the charmer but...a bit of a heart breaker aren't you." The angel said and pushed me into a room closing the door behind me leaving me confused.
Heartbreaker? How?
I turned around and jumped seeing a man at the chair in the middle of the room who I would assume is god considering the angels were calling him the big man.
He looked up at me and clapped his hands together.
"Ah. Brendon Urie. Come my boy I have some things to discuss with you." He said.
I gulped and slowly walked to him bowing my head slightly.
"Brendon take a seat I want you to see what you've actually done." He said in a deep, demanding voice.
I nodded again and sat down beside him keeping my eyes low.
"You may think you wouldn't have created heartbreak or that you wouldn't have hurt anyone when you jumped off that cliff but I'd like for you to see the truth for yourself." He said and slowly waved his hand causing a waterfall in front of him to ripple into a clear picture of what I could see was my funeral or the after effects of it. Standing there was one person on their knees in front of a pile of dirt before two people came into it and tried to pull him away but he fought and fought sobbing violently...no. It's Ryan, Jon and Spencer..
I bit my lip watching as Ryan tried to fight them off tears falling down his face rapidly as he tried to get back to the grave.
I guess this answers as to why I'm a heartbreaker.
"You see Brendon. He truly does love you. He was counting on you coming back and apologizing to him and fixing things with him but you gave up on yourself. With that being said this is what I'm gonna do for you. I'm sending you back to earth to fix your past and finish what you started. You'll have no recollection of any of this but you'll go and fix things with him." He said and just like that I was thrown into a bright light and woke up in a field with the note in hand.
I read the note before getting up and finally realizing where the hell I was.
I must've been plastered or something to have ended up in the middle of a damn field but luckily I'm not too far from home but that doesn't explain this weird ass note. Who the hell is this person and what does it mean?
I groaned and started walking studying the note that was in my hand.
"What the fuck is this all about?" I asked to myself and didn't even realize myself walking in the wrong direction of what used to be home to me until I was on the door step and tried to go in and couldn't get the door open.
I looked up and got wide eyed before I turned around to walk away before the door swung open.
"I fucking told you to stop spenc..er" Ryan's voice said before I could get away fast enough.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon