
109 3 3

Ryan and I pulled apart as the Ferris wheel jerked slightly, lowering us slowly to the ground again.
I laughed softly staying as close as I possibly could to Ryan's body.
"I could get used to this again." I said softly as we got off the platform after being released from the seat.
"Yeah so could I." Ryan said softly grabbing my hand once again as we started walking down the peer again keeping our fingers laced together as we did.
Ryan smiled softly and pulled his phone out taking a picture of our hands as we walked together.
"Memories." He said softly as we continued to walk together.
I smiled and kissed his cheek gently.
"Take all the pictures you want I want you to cherish them." I said softly, suddenly remembering the instructions I was given.
Achieve happiness.
Having to leave him as soon as I was completely happy with my life again would hurt him and I'd have to watch over and see it. See the pain of losing me again just as everything got good.
"Bren are you okay?" Ryan asked softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked up quickly and nodded.
"Yeah..yeah I'm okay." I said softly and grabbed Ryan's hand gently.
Ryan smiled and laced our fingers together gently.
"Good as long as you're okay I am. If you're not I'm right here to listen to anything you need to talk about." He said softly and rubbed my knuckles.
"Thank you Ry." I said softly as we walked together.
"I think it's about that time to head back now. It's getting late and you need your beauty rest." He said softly.
I smiled and nodded.
"Are you gonna stay tonight or are you gonna go home?" I asked.
"I think I'm gonna go ahead and go home." He said swinging our arms as we walked.
"Oh..I thought you would stay." I said looking down slightly.
"Hey no bren..I'm only gonna go home cause I don't want things to be like before and move too fast." He said putting his hands on my shoulders.
"But I want you to stay.." I said looking up at him.
"Bren you know what would happen if I stayed. Things would go way too fast. We would end up having sex and you know that." He said.
I frowned.
"I don't agree there. Just cause you stay doesn't mean we would have sex right away. Plus why do we have to take it slow we know each other inside and out. There's nothing for us to get to know about each other." I said.
"But I wanna just enjoy us bren..sex isn't even on my agenda I just miss being able to hold your hand and walk with you and I miss being the one that makes you laugh I just miss it brendon." Ryan said, looking down at me as he spoke.
I kept my eyes on his and after a minute I let out a breath.
"Fine..fine it's fine just..take me home then?" I asked quietly and looked down.
"Baby don't be like that please..it's not that I don't want to it's just that I feel like it would be too fast. We have a lot to rekindle from the time we have been apart. Sex isn't my number one priority.." he said.
"I know ry..I just..I miss everything and that includes the sex. When I asked you if you're staying though I was hoping you'd say yes because I don't wanna sleep alone tonight..I miss sleeping in the same bed as you.." I explained.
"Brendon I miss it all too I promise that I do baby..." he said.
"Then stay with me tonight ry..no sex just sleep in the same bed as me please..." I said looking back at him.
Ryan's eyes closed and he let out a quiet sigh.
After what felt like forever he spoke again, opening his eyes to look down at me as he did.
"Okay..I'll stay just..no sex or any kind of funny business okay..?" He said softly.
I smiled and nodded quickly.
"None of that I promise ry." I said softly and squeezed his hands gently.
Ryan smiled and nodded.
"Okay cmon lets get back to the house then." He said softly and kissed my cheek, causing my face to heat up under the soft feel of his lips against my skin.
With that we walked back to the car, our hands comfortably linked together like they had never left each other before.
The drive home was comfortably silent, the only sound was the faint music coming through the speakers of the car. We kept our fingers intertwined as ryan drive back to my house, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles every few minutes in a comforting way.
I smiled and let out a content sigh relaxing back into my seat.
Before I knew it we were pulling up to my house, Ryan letting go of my hand as he took the keys out and got out of the car. He walked around to my side, opening the door to let me out before getting the picnic basket and blanket out of the back of the car.
"We should leave our shoes out here so we don't track sand into your house." He said softly.
I hummed and nodded in agreement, failing to stifle a yawn as it escaped past my lips.
Ryan smiled softly and grabbed my hand gently.
"Cmon lets get inside so we can get to bed." He said softly and walked with me to the door.
We both kicked our shoes off and left them by the door before I unlocked the front door letting the both of us in.
Penny and bogart ran up to us, their little backsides shaking as their tails swung back and forth excitedly.
Ryan chuckled softly and shook his head.
"I'm gonna take this to the kitchen real quick." He said and walked away.
I smiled and leaned down picking them both up in each arm. Thy quickly started licking the sides of my face and my jaw excitedly causing me to laugh softly and tilt my head up so they couldn't lick my lips.
"Hi puppy's hi. Oh thank you. Thank you puppies. Oh I love you too. Did you miss daddy?" I said in a cute voice that I naturally talked to my dogs in. (Y'all know the voice I'm talking about.)
Ryan came back out and smiled at me as I set them both back down gently.
"Do you have an extra tooth brush?" He asked. "I didn't plan on staying overnight so.." he added scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah I think so cmon." I said softly.
Ryan followed me to my bathroom and I kneeled down looking through the cabinet before grabbing the last new one that I had.
I stood back up and handed it to Ryan gently smiling softly.
"You got the last one." I told him softly.
He chuckled softly and opened it up turning the water on as I grabbed my own tooth brush.
I ran it under the water before putting toothpaste on it, Ryan repeating the process.
We began brushing our teeth at the same time.
As we went to spit the tooth paste out at the same time our heads knocked together causing us both to start laughing softly as we spit it out.
I grabbed the mouth wash pouring a bit into my mouth, passing it over to Ryan as I started gurgling and swishing it around in my mouth.
I always hated the taste of mouth wash but at least my breath smelt good when I used it.
Ryan motioned for me to go first so we didn't bump heads again.
I smiled softly and leaned over spitting it out, wiping the corners of my mouth before moving out of the way for Ryan to spit it out as well.
I put my tooth brush back in the holder before opening the medicine cabinet grabbing my contact holder and taking my contacts out putting them in the liquid and closing it again. (I know he doesn't actually wear contacts but ya know oh well)
"You know I still think you look much cuter with glasses." He said and smiled leaning against the counter.
I chuckled softly.
"I don't like them all that much, they feel funny after a while." I said and put them in the cabinet closing it again.
"You should feel more confident you look adorable in them." He said.
My cheeks heated up as I smiled at him.
"Thank you ry." I said softly.
"Always bren." He said and grabbed my hand pulling me to the room.
"Do you uh still sleep naked?" He asked scratching the back of his neck again.
I smiled softly and nodded.
"Usually but I'll keep boxers on tonight. I'd wear pajamas but I don't own any." I said.
Ryan smiled softly and took his shirt off.
"Boxers are fine I'll sleep in mine too." He said and I did his pants taking them off.
I blushed softly and took mine off quickly before crawling under the comforter, leaning room for Ryan to get into the bed with me.
As he got situated, penny and bogart ran in jumping up into the bed curling up by our feet. Penny by mine and bogart by Ryan's.
"It's like you never left to him. Bogart knows his Ryan is back too." I said softly and smiled.
Ryan smiled and sat up grabbing bogart before laying back with him in his arms. Ryan spoils him. No wonder my dog loves him so much.
I smiled and turned the lamp off before getting comfortable in bed.
"Goodnight ry." I whispered softly.
"Goodnight B." He said back.
I smiled softly before closing my eyes, quickly falling into a peaceful bliss beside Ryan with my puppies in the bed with the two of us.

So at first this chapter was originally only 709 words long before I came back and added more to it but my writers block is gone thank god

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now