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For now this is all in Brendon's POV and If it changes I'll put Ryan's POV but just so y'all know we're in Brendon's POV
I woke up the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping outside of my window and Ryan's arm around my waist in a protective manner.
Sunlight was shining into my room through the light reddish, purple  curtains creating a beautiful magenta color to fill my room.
I hummed softly and closed my eyes again rolling over into the warm embrace of Ryan's body.
His arms wrapped around me more securely and I smiled softly staying where I was.
If it were my choice I'd stay exactly where I was forever but Mother Nature had other plans.
I groaned when I felt the familiar cramp of a full bladder in my torso and went to move.
I tried to move slowly, not to wake Ryan up from his peaceful slumber which seemed to have failed.
Ryan groaned and shook his head.
"Hmm no bren stay." He said in a raspy morning voice, pulling my body closer to him.
I smiled and shook my head kissing his cheek feeling my cheeks heat up at the sound of his morning voice that I missed waking up to every morning.
"You gotta let me go ry. I've gotta pee." I whispered and ran my fingers through his hair gently.
He let out a soft grumble before moving his arms off of my waist gently.
"Hurry and come back I wanna hold you." He said, keeping his eyes closed.
I smiled and nodded.
"I will ry I promise Mr. IHatemornings." I said softly.
He smiled tiredly and pushed his face into the pillow as I got up to use the toilet.
I walked to the bathroom and closed the door walking over to the toilet and did my business.
I walked to the sink and washed my hands, drying them off before walking back out.
I climbed back into bed with Ryan pushing my body against his letting my hands rest on his chest, making him shiver at the cold touch.
"Bren noooo cmon." He said softly and shook his head again.
I laughed softly and shook my head.
"Sorry ry baby. They are dry just cold cause I washed my hands." I whispered softly.
Ryan smiled softly and grabbed my hands putting them between his own.
"You can touch me when they warm up." He said rubbing his thumb over my knuckles gently.
I hummed softly and moved closer to him putting my face into his chest gently.
Ryan continued to rub my knuckles gently until my hands were no longer freezing to the touch.
"There you go they're warm now." He said softly.
I moved my hands out of his and wrapped my arms around his waist gently closing my eyes again.
"I'm so comfortable but want food." I said softly.
Ryan chuckled softly and played with my hair gently.
"We can always call up Spence and have him bring us food." He whispered into my hair.
I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah he's got a spare key can you do that?" I asked.
"That requires me to move so I can grab your phone." He said softly.
I let out a breath and let go of him gently so he could get up and grab my phone.
Ryan sat up and reached over me grabbing the phone and sat back leaning against the headboard.
"Still no lock on your phone bren?" He asked.
I shook my head and gave him my hand.
"Thumbprint." I said.
Ryan took my hand gently and pressed my thumb against the home button.
When I heard the click signaling that it was open Ryan let go of my hand gently and I pulled it back laying it under my cheek.
I watched him call Spencer and smiled softly putting my face in my pillow as they talked. I felt Ryan's fingers begin to trace patterns on my back as he talked to Spencer.
"No! No Spence we did not have sex last night it was just a date." He said.
I blushed softly looking up at him.
"Spence! Oh god I stayed last night cause bren wanted me to was all. Just bring us food." He said looking down at me, flashing me a smile.
I smiled back at him and relaxed into the bed keeping my eyes on him.
"Thank you Spencer and no we aren't naked you don't have to shield your eyes you disgusting little man." Ryan said and laughed softly.
I smiled and sat up taking the phone gently.
"Stop assuming stuff Spence."
I said leaning against Ryan.
Spencer laughed softly.
"I'm not assuming anything usually if you guys were in the same bed it was you guys fucking like rabbits." He said.
I blushed a bit and looked at Ryan.
"That is not true. We were just cuddling okay?" I said and smiled softly.
Spencer chuckled softly.
"Okay well I'll see you guys soon. And bren I'm glad to hear you and Ryan happy." He said.
I smiled softly.
"Thanks Spence I'm glad to be happy." I said smiling as Ryan kissed my head gently.
"Okay I'm gonna go so I can make something for you guys see you soon." He said.
"Bye Spence." I said and smiled putting my phone down after he hung up.
I wrapped myself back around him gently and smiled softly.
"Spence is gonna bring us food." I said softly.
"I know." He said softly and smiled running his fingers through my hair again.
I smiled and laid my head on his chest gently closing my eyes again.
Ryan hummed softly playing with my hair until I fell asleep on him again.

This chapter is a little shorter but It might not be if I edit it usually I add detail when I edit it.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now