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How the hell?! How the hell is he on my doorstep?!
I walked out and practically threw myself at the man I was in love with before.
It's real..I can feel him..but how.
I pulled back and looked up at him grabbing his face.
"How the hell are you here brendon?" I sobbed.
"Ryan what do you mean? I walked I guess I'm just used to coming this way as home..I'll leave I'm sorry I bothered you." He said.
"NO! No. Stay just..brendon you're supposed to be dead. I watched your body get put in the ground." I said quickly.
"Ry..what do you.." and then he froze his eyes widening.
"I jumped..I jumped off the cliff." He whispered before he passed out.
Goddamn it.
I picked his body up and carried him inside.
not without stumbling of course fuck Brendon you're heavy.
I put him on the couch and started pacing looking down at him a couple times.
"There has to be something wrong with me. There's no way my ex boyfriend is laying on my couch perfectly alive. It's okay Ryan just close your eyes and open them and he will be gone. This is your way of mourning losing him. He's not here." I said to myself and shut my eyes.
When I reopened them It just made me that much more terrified because just like before he's still there.
I cowered back into a corner and sobbed quietly.
I'm going fucking insane. Brendon is 6 feet under!
"Ryan! Are you in here!" I heard Spencer's voice.
Oh god I've never been so happy to hear someone else.
I jumped up and ran out to him.
"Spence..I'm going crazy I need help I keep seeing him on my couch he showed up on my doorstep! Spencer I keep seeing Brendon!" I sobbed.
"Ryan Ryan shh cmon let's go I'll look and I'll show you nothing is there cmon let's go to the living room." He said and walked with me.
I sobbed walking along side him and closed my eyes tightly.
"See ry..there's nothing the.." He began and stopped mid sentence.
"I know I know I am insane!" I sobbed loudly.
"I don't think you are Ryan open your eyes cause I see him too brendon is on your couch." Spencer's said.
I opened my eyes quickly and looked at Spencer's face that had lost all color.
He walked over and poked Brendon before smacking him harshly causing Brendon to jump up.
"RYAN WH-Spencer?" He said rubbing his cheek.
Brendon cowered back a bit at his voice.
"I-I didn't I promise I didn't I woke up in the middle of no where I don't remember anything. I do remember jumping though that's all I don't remember anything after that.." he sobbed making my heart crack.
"Spence..back off." I said walking over.
"Back off?! He broke your heart!" Spencer yelled.
"I said back off!" I yelled back and pulled Brendon into a hug and began running my fingers through his hair.
"Shh it's okay you're here now it's okay Bren" I whispered and held Brendon in my arms just like I used to.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now