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While Brendon was sleeping I got up and began cooking lunch for the two of us deciding not to wake him up until it was finished.
He would deny it but I knew he needed the sleep. He was so obviously exhausted and I hate seeing him like that.
Lately I have been thinking about asking Brendon if he wants to go out somewhere on a date with me but I've been stuck between taking him to the fair or a cheesy romantic dinner.
My problem is, I just can't decide which he would like better.
Brendon loves the fair. He loves getting to play the games together to try to win cute little stuffed animals which he would later hand to a little girl or boy to make their day. He always said he never had use for a stuffed animal but a little kid would.
He also loves the romantic cheesy dates in a nice restaurant with some wine and whatever his meal was for that night. He loved to have candles and flowers on the table. He always told me candles are a must have on a date like that because they gave off a romantic feel.
I agreed.
He is the cheesiest person ever but god do I love him.
That's what we can do. I can set up a little picnic date on the beach and then take him to the fair!
Of course no candles would be involved but I feel like he'd really enjoy what I have in mind.
Just sitting on the beach together eating some food and talking to each other while the sun sets over the ocean.
I guess I must've zoned out thinking of the date because when I felt his hands on my waist I almost jumped out of my skin.
I woke up on the couch with a pillow under my head and a blanket draped over my body.
I smiled softly knowing it was Ryan who made sure I was comfortable and warm. Something he has always done for me. He's always made sure I was taken care of.
I stood up and stretched my body out, my back popping all the way up.
I put my arms down and let out a breath smiling softly at the more relaxed feeling of my body.
I chuckled softly to myself as I felt my stomach grumble at the smell of food.
I walked to the kitchen to find Ryan cooking something on the stove and humming softly to himself.
His eyes had a zoned out look to them so I walked over and put my hands around his waist slowly.
Ryan jumped and almost dropped the spatula in his hand before turning around, glaring at me with a playful look in his eye.
"You scared me half to death." He said, his lips twitching at the corners into a small smile.
I laughed softly and shook my head.
"You zoned out mister. Could've burned my house down doing that." I said and smiled up at him.
Ryan smiled.
"But I didn't and the food isn't even burnt." He said.
"Touché." I said and smiled kissing his cheek.
Ryan smiled and turned back to the stove flipping the food in the pan.
"So, I was thinking that we could go out tonight. Like a date." He said.
"Oh yeah? Where to?" I asked softly, hopping up onto the counter and sat next to the stove.
"I was thinking maybe a picnic date on the beach and then we can go to the fair." He said and smiled at me.
I smiled and nodded.
"That sounds perfect to me." I said and ran my fingers through his messy hair.
Ryan smiled and nodded.
"Okay tonight we can go out then." He said.
I smiled softly.
"Okay. You know you need a haircut." I said.
Ryan laughed softly.
"Oh yeah?"
I nodded and laughed.
"Oh definitely. I'm thinking maybe you should go back to that ry hawk." I said smiling.
Ryan laughed and shook his head.
"You're funny. I don't have the baby face for that anymore." He said.
"You would if you shave that little bit of hair off." I said and ran my fingers over the hair occupying his face. 
"Nope. Ry hawk was back then I'll cut it down like yours though and I'll shave my face too." He said and smiled.
I laughed softly and nodded.
"You'd look good just not as long as mine on the top. The length of mine compliments my facial features more yours would look better just a little shorter than mine." I said.
He nodded and smiled.
"Then that's how we will cut it but for now we are gonna eat lunch." He said.
I smiled and jumped down.
"Of course, always keeping me as healthy as can be Mr. Ross." I said.
"Always Urie. It's my job." He said and smiled putting some of the food he made on a plate for me.
"Thank you." I said and took it, walking to the table and sat down.
"Anytime." He said making his own plate before coming over and sitting beside me as we ate our food together in a comfortable silence.
It felt good to have him back here again.

So I was initially going to put a smut scene in this book but I might not. I don't think it'll go with this book at all but I might at some point. I'm not sure.

So like I've been freaking out all day because for some reason my comments won't load so I can reply to you guys or anything and I just found out I'm not the only one

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum