21 💔

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I trudge into the studio with Ryan close behind me, acoustic in hand and my own hand in his other.
I hummed and pulled him over  to my desk where there were pages and pages of lyrics scattered all over the place.
I began going through them until I found the exact page of messily scribbled down words that I was looking for. passing it to Ryan, I sat down, pulling a stool over for him to sit in.
Ryan sat down beside me, reading over the lyrics before nodding as he continued to read, humming every few seconds.
He kept his eyes on the paper as he spoke softly.
"I think this part right here..." he said and leaned over showing me the part he was talking about, directing my attention with his lanky finger.
"That should be the chorus so repeat that right after your second verse here." He said continuing to point everything out so I understood everything he was saying.
I nodded agreeing with him as he talked about it before grabbing a pencil mapping out the rough draft of the song.
"So because I heard you humming how you'd like it to sound I kind of have a mild idea of how it should most likely sound, so like this." He said and started singing it to the same melody that I had previously been humming.
"It's said If you don't let it out
You're gonna let it eat you away.
I'd rather be a cannibal, baby
Animals like me don't talk anyway
Feel like an ambulance
Chaser of faith
Pray I could replace her
Forget the way her tears taste
Oh, the way her tears taste
Put another ex on the calendar
Summer's on its deathbed
There is simply nothing worse
Than knowing how it ends
And I meant everything I said that night
I will come back to life
But only for you
Only for you
The world may call it a second chance
But when I came back it was more of a relapse
Anticipation's on the other line
And obsession called while you were out
Yeah, it called while you were out
Put another ex on the calendar
Summer's on its deathbed
There is simply nothing worse
Than knowing how it ends
And I meant everything I said that night
I will come back to life
But only for you
Only for you"
I was shocked at how easily the song had begun to spill from his lips, like smooth vanilla.
I smiled and nodded happily, pleased with how it sounded especially how Ryan has sung it. It was exactly what I had planned and it felt so much better hearing it out loud.
"That sounded amazing but I feel like here still needs to be a little more added to the lyrics." I said and bit my lip slightly, bouncing my leg a bit.
Ryan nodded and hummed softly laying the paper on the desk in front of me.
"I think it deserves another verse and maybe repeat the chorus again and then end it with 'Only for you, Only for you, Only for you, Only for you, Only for you" He said, singing out the last part smoothly.
I smiled and nodded again before grabbing a pencil, scribbling it down quickly.
"Yeah yeah that's an amazing idea ry." I said as I wrote a few other lines that had come to mind as he was singing.
He smiled and nodded, watching with his head tilted slightly as I wrote.
For the remainder of the night we sat in my studio working on the song together until we had it completely written out And a few rough pieces of guitar recorded on my phone.
Ryan and I both yawned and looked at the time laughing softly as the clock read 9 am.
"We just worked on a song for 13 hours to perfect it." I said.
Ryan nodded laughing tiredly.
The feeling was mutual.
"That's nothing new with the two of us. We make a good pair with writing always have." He said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah we have but now we should make a good pair with getting some sleep. I'm tired." I said yawning as soon as I finished the sentence.
Ryan nodded and stood up turning off the equipment we were using to make rough recordings of the song while I shut off the lights.
I groaned softly and took his hand as he came out, leaning against his slender frame.
"I have to call Spence so he can track the drums." I said tiredly.
Ryan chuckled softly and nodded, closing the door to the studio before kissing my head.
"Do that in the morning, you look and sound exhausted." He said softly.
I smiled and nodded leaning against him wanting nothing more to fall asleep right there.
We walked inside after making sure everything was turned off in the studio and that the door was locked.
As soon as we walked through the sliding glass doors Bogart came up to us, penny following close behind.
Ryan chuckled leaning down to pick them up, handing me penny lane.
We both walked up to our room a dog in each of our arms, one of Ryan's arms around my shoulders providing me body warmth.
When we were in our room and the door was closed we stripped down to our boxers, Ryan laying down a clean puppy pad for bogart and penny to use over night since they slept in our room with us.
I smiled softly and we both climbed in bed turning off the bedside lamps.
Ryan rolled over and wrapped his arms around me kissing my shoulder gently as he pulled me closer, spooning me as he pulled the blankets up around us.
"Goodnight bren." He whispered softly.
I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Goodnight ry." I whispered and curled up closer to his body.
Not long after I fell asleep in the warm embrace of Ryan's arms with a smile on my face, the argument from that previous morning forgotten for the time being.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now