Chapter 16

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(Dallons POV)

I woke up on the couch, my mind fuzzy, and confusion coursing through my veins. "Brendon?" I call out. My mouth was awfully dry, and my throat hurt. Was I sick? "Bren why am I on the couch?" I call out again. I run my fingers through my hair, expecting him to walk downstairs any moment now. Did I drink last night? Is that why my memory is foggy? Surely enough I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Br-" I stop as I see a sleepy Pete instead of Brendon. "Hey Dal." Pete says and I was confused. "Where's Brendon?" I ask and his face drops, and pity and sadness washes over his features and that sent panic into my heart.

"Where is he?" I say, becoming frantic. "At the hospital Dal." Pete says and swallows harshly. "N-no. No, he's, hes asleep. He.. he can't be." I say and I hurry up the stairs, fear coursing through me. I go to open his bedroom door but stop, as it all came back to me. The horrible events flooded my brain, and the sadness took over my heart. "Oh." I mumble and I feel someone place a hand on my back. I jump and turn to see Patrick. "It's gonna be okay." He says and I nod, even though I didn't agree.

It didn't feel like it was gonna be okay. Oh god it felt as if this would never get better. It'll never be better until Brendon is here with me, alive and well. I wish him and I spent more time together. I wish we hadn't fought as much as we did. I also wish he had listened to me when I said to stop going to all those damned parties. "Can, can we go see him?" I ask and Patrick nods. The drive there was hell. My leg kept bouncing, and I couldn't sit still. I was so nervous and scared. You couldn't blame me right? For all I know is he could've passed away and no one told me, and I would have to hear that horrible news from a nurse who didn't know nor care about me.

Patrick had to keep reminding me that if he had passed away, they would've called or somehow told us, and I know that and yet I couldn't help but fear the worst. I just want my best friend back. Is that really too much to ask? When we got there, I don't think I've ever gotten out of a car so fast in my entire life. When we got inside and asked about him, the lady at the desk said the last thing I wanted to hear.

"We have no information on Mr. Urie at this moment, you may take a seat and wait, a doctor will be out to speak with you guys once they can." And that relieved me in a way. He's alive. I don't know his condition, or if he's gonna make it, but he didn't die and that's all that I cared about. "We have to go down to the police station in two hours." Patrick says as we sit down and I give him a confused look. "They need to ask us all questions, they said it should take long depending on our cooperation. We are the only people who were there, they need information." He explains and I nod.

"We can come back after right?" Pete asks and Patrick nods. "Yeah, that was the plan." He says softly. Surprisingly, there weren't many people in the waiting room. About 5 other people. Sitting there and waiting, sucked to say the least. I still couldnt sit still. The longer I sat there, the more I wanted to move. Brendons in the same building as me. Yet I can't see him. That aggravated me to an extent my body couldn't handle. I stand up causing Pete and Patrick to look at me I began to pace, back and forth. I probably looked like an idiot. That may be so, but I didn't care.

People can stare and laugh and point all they fucking want. I'm hurting, I'm nervous. And I'm fucking terrified. How can I sit still? It's only been a solid 20 minutes and it already feels like we've been here the whole day. Time was going by so slow, and it didn't help that I kept looking at the clock every five seconds. Pete had to force me to sit down because people were genuinely staring at me like I belonged in a mental hospital. Maybe I do, who knows. "I miss him." I state, my heart feeling heavy. I felt as if I couldn't breathe almost.

"We do too, keep in mind we'll see him soon, don't worry, Dal." Patrick says. We sat there for another 45 minutes, which felt like 3 hours to me. It felt like every second was dragging on as long as possible and it was absoultely killing me. I was so impatient. Usually I'm good in bad situations, and I'm mature about it, and trying to keep an open mind but fuck was that hard. Living life like a normal human being seemed to be too hard at the moment.

The Party Isn't Over Tonight.. ☆Brallon☆Where stories live. Discover now