Chapter 9

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(Brendons POV) {sorry the POV changes sm in this chapter)

I went straight to the house, not even caring about going to the music store to see if they're hiring. I needed to cry, that's all I was worried about. I could feel sadness building up in me, and tears pushing their way out. When I entered my house, I slammed the door behind me, and let the tears flow. I'm so dumb. I couldn't have just said "oh I like you too" but no. I'm stupid, and I couldn't say it, and I ran away and now he probably hates me. Which is fair enough, because I hate myself too now.

I'm such an idiot. I fall to my knees, and grip my hair, letting the tears race down my face. I didn't even bother to try and hide the fact that I was upset, like I usually would. Usually, I would go to my room and cry into a pillow for 2 hours, but I didn't even care anymore. He wouldn't be home anytime soon. I fall to my knees, and punch the ground, pressing my forehead to the ground. I eventually just ended up lying on my back, and letting the hot tears roll down the sides of my face as I stared at the ceiling. After an hour or so of crying, I ended up falling asleep.


(Dallons POV)

It hurt. Brendon hurt me. I don't know what I expected though, why would he ever like someone like me? It just seems unfair how he constantly flirted with me, made out with me, said things to make me believe he likes me. Only for him to walk away when I finally mustered up the courage to tell him how I truly feel. Right when he was out of sight, and when I knew he wasn't joking, and that he actually just walked away. I did cry. "I'm.. oh god, I'm so sorry." I hear Pete say and shake my head. "I figured he liked you, it seems like it." Pete says, and I turn to look at him.

"Well, you were wrong." I say, wincing as my voice cracked a bit. "We both were." I say softly. "Dude, I'm really, really sorry." Pete says, grabbing my arm, and I pull it out of his grasp. "C-can you cover me?" I ask, and he nods his head. "Yeah, of course." He says as I take off the stupid aprons that we have to wear. "See you tomorrow, Dal." He says and I nod. I walked out, and instead of walking home, I found myself wandering the streets. Maybe it's because I knew Brendon was there, and I didn't wanna face him. Most likely was that.

He's probably gonna kick me out right? I'm gonna have to live with my parents, and they're gonna be disappointed. I'm 24, I should have my life together. People kept looking at me weirdly, and I could only assume it's because I'm crying. I sigh, and decide to head back. When I opened the door, the first thing I see is a passed out Brendon lying on the ground. I close the door, which startled him, and he sits up. I simply just walk upstairs, going into my room, and pulling out my suitcase.


(Brendons POV)

I watched as Dallon walked up the stairs and frown. He's home early. He should still be working for another 4 hours. I stand up, and walk up the stairs, and I notice his door was open. I could also hear him crying. That hurt to hear. Hurts more knowing I caused it. It's my fault. This all is.

I walk over and look into his room. He had his suitcase out, and his dresser drawers all open. A few articles of clothing already on the suitcase. My heart drops when I realize what's happening. "Y-you're leaving?" I ask, tears glazing my eyes and he jumps and turns to look at me. "You're gonna kick me out right?" He asks, wiping at his eyes. "N-no. I want you to sta-stay." I say, and the more I stood here looking at him, the more I wanted to cry. "I-I do.. I li-" why couldn't I say it. Why was it so scary to admit that I too liked him. He just stared at me, probably waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Dal.. I d-do I li- I do.." I stuttered. Why couldn't I say it?! He looked at me when more confused and I let out a small sob. I hate myself. "One day." I mumble and turn, walking out.

I couldn't do it. I went into my room, and I cried. I didn't care if he could hear. I didn't care about much. I'm such a baby. It's literally not that hard. I've been wanting this forever, and I was able to flirt with him, so why can't I just say that I like him? My phone starts ringing in my back pocket, and I pull it out. It was Patrick. "H-hello?" I say. "Hey I called because Pete said you were looking for a job- wait are you crying?" I hear him ask and I sniffle. "Uh I.. uh yeah.." I mumble. "Come down to the record shop Okay? We can talk about you working here and I'll buy you an ice cream." He says and I hear Pete say something in the background but I couldn't tell what he said.

"Ice cream d-does sound good." I say and he chuckles. We say our goodbyes and I go downstairs, and as I open the door, I see Tyler with his hand up as if he were gonna knock. "Oh he- what's wrong?!" He asks. "Boy issues. I'm gonna go talk to Patrick about a job. Uh Dallons upstairs, you're welcome to chill here until I get back." I say and he nods. I walk out, and basically run down to the record store. I didn't want people to notice the tears that occasionally ran down my cheeks. I open the door, and the bell rang, surprising me. That's so annoying. Patrick looks up from his phone, and Pete doesn't look up from his. He was sat at a piano, just typing away at his phone. Probably texting Dallon. I hope so anyway. Dallon needs someone to talk to about this, I can tell. "Hey buddy." Patrick says causing Pete to look over and I force a smile, but quickly stop as I probably looked dumb doing so.

I quickly wipe away a tear that drifted down my cheek and Patrick frowns. "I heard what happened.." He says and I shrug. "I couldn't say it." I mumble. "Say what?" He asks. "That I liked him back." I whisper so Pete doesn't hear. Patrick smiles widely and I shrug. "I knew it.." He mumbles. "I will eventually. Just everytime I try, I get all chocked up." I say softly and he nods, seeming to understand. "I believe in you. Do it when you're ready." He says and I nod slowly. "So about that job, let's talk about that yeah?" He asks and I nod, mustering up a smile small. "Yes, lets." I say.

Authors Note

It's gonna happen I promise

Hope you all are having a lovely day

Suck my dick

I'm kidding ^ I don't have one

Thanks for reading


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