Chapter 20

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(Brendons POV)

"I haven't been to the beach in so long." I mumble, looking out at the crashing waves. "I know I remember when we went sometime in high school and we had so much fun, and so I figured this would be the perfect place." Dallon says and I look at him, my heart filled with love, happiness and adoration. I look at the blindfold at the ground and pick it up, tossing it over to Pete, knocking him in the head with it. "Hey!" He says and I laugh. "That's what you get!" I say while laughing. "Wanna go forehead?" He asks while laughing. "I'll step on you, wentz." I say. "Bren you're like barely taller than him, babe." Dallon says. "Not everyone is 9'6 like you, okay?" I say and a wave of laughter is heard.

"Okay yeah but I'm not that tall." He says and I snort. I know very few people as tall as him, but I mean, go off I guess. "Hm wait I have an idea." Dallon says. "It's getting dark don't we have to go soon?" I ask and Patrick shakes his head. "Nah. We're good just don't drown please." He says and I give him a confused look. Drown? But I'm not swimmin- I'm picked up by, I'm guessing Dallon, and suddenly icy cold waves wash over me. I pop my head above the water, and laughter fills my ears. "My.. my stitches can't get w-wet." I say while standing up, I was shivering quite a bit, and my teeth were clattering together. Fuck the waters freezing. "They'll be fine, just don't stay in too long." Dallon says while smirking.

I grab him and pull him down under the water. He pops back up, and immediately his teeth start clattering and I laugh. "H-holy fuck this waters co..cold." he says and I laugh. " shit." I say and I stand up so my stitches aren't underwater. The last thing I need is for them to break up or get infected. It's been 48 hours after so I know I can get them wet but I really shouldn't be submerged in water. Oops. Dallon also stands up and shakes his hair, running his finger through it. "I'm cold because of you." I say and fake pout. Dallon chuckles and engulfs me in a hug, wrapping his arms around me protectively. "Mm, we aren't even together for a day and you already are bullying me." I joke and he shakes his head while chuckling, pressing a kiss to my forehead. We got out of the water, and Pete threw a towel at me, and Patrick handed a towel to Dallon.

"You're a brat, Wentz." I say, and pull off my suit jacket and shirt. "Woah woah keep your clothes on." Patrick jokes. "They're soaking wet because someone thinks throwing people in oceans is fun." I say running the towel over my hair. "Your pants are also wet." Dallon says. "So are yours. Take 'em off pretty boy." I say and his face turns bright red as he looks away from me. "Aww, Dally are you blusin'?" I ask and he flicks me off while chuckling. "Wait I know how to dry off fast without a towel." I state and Pete whistles causing Dallon to throw his towel at him. "Mine now." Pete says while shrugging. "Wait no I need that." Dallon says and I hand him mine and then lay down on the sand, rolling a bit.

"Fuck wait no this isn't working." I say and hurriedly stand up. The feeling of sand is so annoying when it sticks to you. "Why.." Dallon says as I attempt to wipe it off me. Patrick and edge lord 101 over there were laughing their asses off at me. Pete also took a photo. Thanks. "I thought the sand would soak it up but obviously not." I state and Dallon bursts out into a fit of laughter. "How are we supposed to get in the car?" I ask. "Well I took an uber here so." Dallon says and I look at Pete and Patrick. "You're not getting in the car wet, so dry off lads." Pete says and I glare at him. "Guys take off your clothes, except your boxers for the love of god please keep your boxers on. Dry off and then wrap the towel around your waist. It's simple." Patrick says. Thank god for Patrick and using his logic in situations such as these.

"What if I don't wanna get nakey." Dallon says and I laugh, stop trying to wipe the sand off myself. "You're kinda fucked then." I say and look at him. "You'll still have your boxers on. No nakey allowed." Pete says. "Alright, half nakey." Dallon says and I snort causing him to look at me. "Babe no one will look at you until you wrap the towel around your waist how about that?" I say. "Promise? I'm really insecure." He says and I frown. "I've seen you like actually naked before but yeah, promise." I say and I hear Pete whisper "I knew they fucked" and I glare at him. "Wrong." I say with a smile. "Jeez why does everyone think we fuck." Dallon mumbles and I shrug. "You guys act like it that's why." Patrick says and I shrug again. I take the towel off Pete and wipe the sand off, than I take my pants off, wrapping the towel around my waist and securing it. Then Dallon made us all turn around because I guess he didn't want us to see his peepee. A shame.

The Party Isn't Over Tonight.. ☆Brallon☆Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora