Chapter 8

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(Brendons POV)

It was Monday, and Dallon as currently at work. I was debating highly if I should go and look for a job. I really was thinking about what Dallon told me yesterday. He was right. I wouldn't be so immature if I tried to be mature. If I went, got a job and some responsibilities, I'd have no choice but to act like an adult. Everyone's right, it's time to grow up. I decide to go to his work, to ask him for some suggestions. I leave the house, and lock the door behind me, deciding I'll walk, instead of driving. It wasn't a far walk.

As I walked down the street, a guy stops me. I recognize him as the guy that messed me up last week, at that party. Before I can say anything, he punched me in the face and I groan, my hands flying to my eye. "Watch yourself, Urie. You don't know who you're messing with." He says, and walks away. I sigh, and rub my eye, before shoving my hands back into my pocket. It was swelling up a bit, and I could tell it'd bruise. I deserved it. I probably did something stupid that night, that I can't remember to deserve it. I step into the coffee shop, to see it was fairly empty. Dallon and Pete were both talking about something and laughing. When the bell ringed, they both turned to look at me.

"Oh hey bren what's up?" Pete says and I smile. "Nothing much, seems empty?" I say looking around, as I approached the counter, leaning against it. "What happened to your eye?" Dallon asks. "O-oh uh nothing. I just came to ask you something." I say and he shakes his head. "You're not getting an answer until you tell me." He says. "That guy that messed me up? He punched me, and told me to watch myself. I probably deserved it, right? I always act stupid when I'm drunk, I probably did something." I say and both of them looked at me, concerned. "No. Actually he was being homophobic. If he goes near you again, call the cops." Dallon says and I shrug. "Alright." I state, even though I probably wouldn't. I could handle myself.

"So what'd you wanna know hun?" Dallon says and I blush at the nickname. He realizes what he said because he apologizes but I shrug it off. Pete on the other hand, was not gonna shrug it off. "I knew it! You guys are hella gay for eachother!" He says jumping up and down. "No-" Dallon started but Pete put his hand over his mouth. "Don't deny it giraffe! Patrick used to say the same thing and now look at us!" Pete says, clearly excited. "Uh." I say, unsure of how I should handle this. "I knew you guys were too close to just be best friends!" He says. "Huh?" I say. I didn't get how we did anything that best friends didn't. I mean we cuddled, and sometimes we got too touchy but it was all fun, really. "You guys never leave eachother sides, you sleep in the same bed when possible, apparently you guys were making out at that party." He says and Dallon looks at his shoes, clearly uncomfortable.

"Dal, do you know any places that are hiring?" I ask, ignoring Pete and his truthness. I knew he was right, but was I gonna admit that? Hell no. I would deny the fuck out of having any feelings for Dallon. "That's what you came to ask?" He asks, a small forming on his face. "Yes, hun." I say jokingly, and automatically regret it. "You guys are so fucking gay oh my god!" Pete says, or more like yells, excitement in his voice. I smile slightly, and look at Dallon. "So do you?" I ask. "Next door is a music store. I know for a fact they're hiring. A couple streets down, on Willow Ave. There's this small Café that might be hiring, not sure." Dallon says. "Patrick owns the music store, so you have a better chance getting hired there." Pete chimes in and I nod. "Can you guys please just admit it." Pete says and I turn to him, confused. "Admit what?" I ask.

"Oh god.." I hear Dallon mumble and glance at him. He was leaning on the counter, and I take that as an opportunity to ruffle his hair, and he smiles at me. "That, admit that." He says while gesturing to us. "Admit that I messed up his hair? Okay." I say, and Pete shakes his head. I look at Dallon confused, and he looked at me, also looking equally as confused as I did. What did I have to admit? "Okay I admit, when you told me to water the flowers, I used chocolate milk because I figured they'd like it more." I say. "Wait what?!" Dallon says and I give him a nervous smile. "Brendon what-" Pete says and I chuckle nervously. "B, if my flowers die, I'll kill you." Dallon says. "Didn't we already establish that, that's my kink?" I say while laughing.

"What the fuck?" Pete says and I smile widely at him. "Don't kink shame, Wentz." Dallon jokes and I laugh. "Its a long story, for another day." I say and he simply shrugs. "But no, I was not talking about you admitting to chocolifying his flowers." Pete says and I shrug. "Then admitting to what? I have nothing to admit to. I'm honest." Dallon says and Pete smirks. "You guys need to fucking admit that you like eachother." He says and my eyes widen. "I.." I say, I'm sure of how I should respond to that. Should I just walk out? Deny it? Admit it? No. I can't. Because then Dallon will be weirded out by me. I'll never admit that I like him. I can't.

"It's pretty obvious. Everyone can see it." Pete says and I sigh. "Okay fine, I like him." I hear Dallon mumble and look up. "What?" I say and Dallon looks down at the ground. "I do. I like you." He says and I felt happiness and confusion course through me. Pete looks at me, and I didn't know what to do. This would be a great time to admit how I feel to. I just, I couldn't bring myself to say the words. So I did what I was best at. Running away from my problems. I turned around, and walked out of there, ignoring them both calling my name.

Authors Note

This story is shit, I'm sorry

Sorry it's so short btw

I hope you somehow enjoyed anyways, I'm gonna try harder to make it interesting and more fun to read

Thanks for reading


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