Chapter 15

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(Dallons POV)

Falling asleep just wasn't gonna happen. I was laying in Brendon bed, tears continuously rolling down my cheeks as I stared at the wall. I let Patrick and Pete sleep in my room. I heard Pete scream about how this wasn't fair, and Patrick calm him down. I heard soft crying and eventually it was quiet, and they had gone to bed. That happened two hours ago. I roll over and grab the pillow, the one Brendon always used. I press my face into it, and let out a small sob. It smelt like him.

I had one of his shirts on. All of his shirts he wore to bed were a size bigger than he needed so it fit. I wanted to hold him, I wanted all of this to be some sick nightmare. Deep down I knew it wasn't though. Brendon could possibly be dead right now, and there's nothing I can do about it. The thought made me choke on a sob, and I sit up. I grip his pillow to my chest tightly, and suddenly a ding from a phone causes me to jump. Brendons phone. I shakily pick it up, and turn it on. The first thing I noticed is the dried blood smeared across the screen, and I felt like I was gonna be sick.

A message from Tyler was there but I didn't get to read it, as I jumped out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom. I threw up everything in my stomach, gripping the toilet so hard my knuckles turned white. When I was done, I flushed it, I brushed my teeth, and sat on the bathroom floor. That was the last thing I needed to see. Another reminder that those events did in fact take place and that it wasn't just all in my head. You'd think that from how much I cried, I would be dehydrated and they would no longer stream down my face. But that doesn't seem to be the case as I feel hot tears roll down my face once again.

I grip my hair, and squeeze my eyes shut. I then remembered when I tried to overdose and how Brendon came running in here and saved me. He saved me, and yet here I am, sitting in the bathroom he saved me in, unable to save him. I grip the counter, pulling myself off the floor and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair as tossled and messy, my face paled and sick looking. My eyes were red and puffy, glazed with tears. I open the cabinet and take out a bottle of pain killers.

I stare at the bottle on my hand. I shake it, the pills hit against the sides of the bottle. I place it on the counter, and take out another and do the same and place then down too. I didn't open them and I don't know if I planned to. I just stared at them, with tear glazed eyes. I remembered how brendon hugged me, holding onto me tightly. I choke back a sob, and squeeze my eyes shut. The door opens, and I look over. Pete stood there with a glass of water in his hands.

"D-dallon no don't." He says with wide eyes and he hurriedly places the water down, grabbing the bottles. "I..I wasn't.. how did you know I was awake?" I ask and he frowns and shakes his head, putting them away, and turning towards me. "I heard you throw up, so I figured I'd get you a glass of water." He says. His eyes were bright red and glossy, he had obviously just got done crying. He grabs my arms and I look at him. "I know.. I know this is hard. Believe me I know, but don't think about doing that, it's not worth it okay?" He says and I sniffle.

"It hurts Pete.." I say weakly and he pulls me into a hug. "I know, it's so.. its so unfair. He didn't deserve this. All we can do is hope that he's okay." He says. "I wish, I wish it were me instead." I sob, gripping onto his shirt and he rubs my back. "No you don't Dallon. Don't say that." He says. "H-he doesn't.. he shouldn't have to go through this." I say and Pete nods. "No one should, i-including you." He says and he pulls away from the hug, grabbing the water and handing it to me.

I gladly accept it and basically chug it. The cold water soothed my sore throat. "Tha-thank you. Thank you guys for staying here with me." I say wiping away at my eyes and Pete smiles half heartedly. Though it wasn't genuine, his red, glossed over eyes told me so. I didn't expect a genuine smile because I myself couldn't give one. "We're gonna.. we're staying till you're okay, alright?" He says and I nod. "Take a nice shower and then we can.. we can watch a movie or something. Get o-our minds off it." He says and I nod. A shower sounded nice.

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