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You stared at the Fairy Tail B Team from across the way intently and then staring back at Sabertooth, then at Raven Tail.

"(Y/N) if you keep looking at the teams like that your face is going to get stuck." Lucy tries to joke with you. You ignore her lighthearted joke and kept on staring.

"She's officially lost it, I've tried everything." Lucy sighs and talking to the rest of the team.

"Come on (Y/N) bring it back down to Earthland and say something." Natsu wacks your shoulder. You don't move and continue to stare intensely.

"Not even a hit will get her out this trance?!" Natsu looks shocked.

"They hurt Rocky,Wendy,and Carla....and if those Sabertooth jerks even think about talking or touching Aiko there will be consequences." You mumble to yourself thinking out loud. "(Y/N) we get how you feel but you have go calm down. The first games are coming up and you have to focus." Erza pats your head. She always knows how to calm you down.

"Why don't you go for a little walk. We'll hold down the fort and besides I'm going into the first games." Gray suggests.

"Fine..I won't be long. I'll be back for the individual battles." You take your leave walking down the hallways. The bass of the crowds roars is heard from around the stadium.

All you could hear was the clanking of your heels on the stone ground. "A penny for your thoughts?" You hear a deep familiar voice say.

"Laxus." You look behind you.

"What's wrong? You only have that face when your thinking about something on your mind." He says studying your face.

Your cheeks began to heat up, you look away from him, "what face?"

He tilts your chin up, leaving your more embarrassed than before. Thank the gods there was only a few people out in the hallway. "Well you pout your lips, and your eyebrows burrow together and it leaves a little crinkle in your forehead. When you don't even realize it you fiddle with sun energy in your index finger and middle finger." He takes every note of your motions.

You sit there amazed at how accurate he was. I guess 8 years of dating does require you to notice somethings.

You move your face from his grasps. "No I do not, and what are you doing here?" You cross your arms trying to fight the embarrassment.

"I asked you first." He responds smirking at you. "Look I'm just worried about Rocky and Aiko."

"Sabertooth really messed her up and whatever plan your father has really hurt my best friend. I don't know it's just all becoming too much sometimes." You turn around trying to conceal your tears.

"I understand...your worried but Aiko joined the team on her own, Gramps might've convinced her but I saw something in her that lit up inside and she was ready for this. As far as my father goes I will do everything in my power to stop him." Laxus turns you around and hold your cheeks in his hands.

His soft hands you always loved since you were young. His touch, his presence, everything about him just made you feel young and alive.

At this point you had no clue who moved first but as soon as you know it your lips were on his. The kiss was soft and sweet. You both haven't kissed each other in so long. The same spark you felt all those years ago were coming back on by one.

The Battle of Fairy Tail and all those fights, and arguments seemed like distant memory because in this moment it just felt like you and Laxus were the only two in the world.

Laxus slipped his tongue in which you gave him access to, his laid his hand over your waist drawing you closer to him.


You both pull back immediately, to see Evergreen tapping her foot and arms crossed. "Uh Evergreen! Um hey...." you say fixing your ponytail and looking around not meeting her eyes.

Laxus has a sheepish look on his face and he was scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I came to look for the bathroom but what I got was a scandal." She smirks.

"How the hell is this a scandal?!" Your face grows hotter and you begin to sweat.

"You two are supposed to be with your teams, not making out like a couple of rebel teens. Luckily I caught you and not Aiko, speaking of which are two back together?" Evergreen begins to coo at you two.

We're you back together? Or was that kiss just something in the moment? What did it even mean? Did you even want to get back with Laxus??

"No were not, we just uh got caught up." Laxus answers for you both.

Well that kinda of stung. You don't know why...the kiss was just innocent and in the moment. So why did it hurt.

"Yeah, an innocent kiss." You go along with it sounding bitter.

"A kiss is just a simple second that had to be more than that." Evergreen giggles.

"Oh whatever I'm out of here." You began to walk off back at the direction where your team was at. You push past Evergreen, and tears stain your face. Why are you even crying?!

"(Y/N) wait." You hear Laxus say.

You stop in your tracks but don't turn around, "Why should I wait Laxus? We're not together right? Goodluck on the games...." you continue walking leaving a confused Laxus and Evergreen.

You felt so stupid thinking this could work. You both were on two different agendas in your life and the only thing you have in common is the love for your daughter. So why did his words hurt you so much? Everything that has happened led you to breaking up with him. Your the one who did it.

But you still loved him and still do.

You lay your back on the wall and sit there in realization.

"I still love Laxus Dreyar."

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