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When you were 13 years old.....

Ever since Solaris left you life hasn't been the same. He taught you everything you know about Solar Dragon Slaying Magic. But life before that you can't really remember any parents in your life, maybe they gave you up?

Who knows...

You travel through the high grass on barefoot and with a simple yellow raggedy dress on hoping to find some town nearby.

A group of Vulcans gather around a fire near a cliff, you carefully make your way past them trying not to get caught. You were halfway there, homefree but a certain animal above that fire caught your eye. It was a little purple cat that had the most cutest wings.

You were determined to head on your way but your animal loving self couldn't be stopped, you had to help the little guy.

You run towards the Vulcans. "Hey! Leave him alone!" You do a power pose to make yourself seem strong. The Vulcans laughed in your face, you blush from embarrassment.

No time for playing around you close your eyes and concentrate on the warmth the sun radiated through your body. The Vulcans stopped their laugh and became worried and even nervous.

"Sun dragon ROAR!" You breath out golden yellow magic energy towards them. They scatter leaving the cat alone, you untie the cat and hold it in your arms.

"Are you okay?" You ask him.

"Thanks to you I am!" He looks up at you and smiles. "So what's your name? I'm (Y/N)" You ask the purple cat.

"I don't have one...." he looks down at the grass kicking it slightly. "Well I could give you one." You smile at it.

"Would you??" He looks up at you grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah how about....Rocky?" You suggest to him.

"I love it!!" He jumps up and begins to fly around you, you giggle and being to back up.

"Wait (Y/N)!" He grabs your shirt but your too big, you didn't realize how close you were to the cliff. You fall back and start screaming.

You protectively grab onto Rocky and screamed while tumbling down the cliff.

You hit rock after rock, pain soared throughout your body. You started to free fall, you fell unconscious and all you see is black.


You felt movement and a soft bed beneath you, you came to and slowly opened your eyes.

You were in a white room, an infirmary maybe? Rocky was placed next to you he was still unconscious with bandages around his head. You turn to your left to see a boy around the same age as you with headphones on. You jolt up and gasp.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch your safe." He bluntly says.

You scowl and roll your eyes, "Well where the heck am I then?" You ask looking around.

"Your in Fairy Tail my dear child.." you hear and old mans voice but you don't know where. You look down and see the old man waving at you.

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