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——————(I was falling asleep while writing this so it's there's any mistakes let me know)

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(I was falling asleep while writing this so it's there's any mistakes let me know)

"SunRay Claw!" Your yellow beam hits the enemies all in a row. One minute your waiting for your guild mates at master's grave the next your knocked out being transported onto some dark guild ship then kicking butt.

The sun was being blocked from all the clouds so you couldn't power up. The rain didn't help either, you clothes were wet and ripped up. This  was supposed to be a nice S-Class Trials but it just turned into pure mess.  Rocky made his way to Tenrou with Carla and Pantherlily.

He was with Gray helping him out. You were pretty much on your own fighting these Grimoire Heart goons. They were easy but you were running out of power fast. "I gotta make this quick and meet up with the others..." you breathe heavily on your knees.

"The sun girl is giving up!" One masked guy says. The other laugh and throw more words at you. You close your eyes and concentrate.

This was going to be stupid but you had no choice but to use a secret art. With this little power and no sun it was almost hopeless. You could almost hear Aiko in your mind.

"You'll be back for my birthday right?" The voice flashback brings hope in your heart.

You stand up straight and grin, your hair was a mess in your face. "You little lap dogs thin you can defeat an S-Class Fairy Tail wizard? Don't make me laugh." You hold your hands up to the sky conjuring the magic.

"Whats she doing?" You hear one of them panic. "Solar Dragon Secret Arts!"

"Dragon Silhouette!" The shape of a yellow dragon and it's shadow appears. The Grimoire Heart Members all watch in fear. Your lifted in the air by the dragon and a combination of your solar road  and the dragons  mighty roar you sweep them all out in perfect light. Bodies drop next to you as you begin your decent to the ground.

Your out of breathe and exhausted, "ugh I just want to go home." You whined.

It was time to meet up with your team. You race through the forest and near the beach shore. Sure enough everyone was there, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy. "What took ya so long (Y/N)?" Nastu jokes. "Hey! Minions can be hard and besides I ran into a chicken spitting fire eggs earlier." You rolled your eyes.

"Hades is up there, we must work together to defeat him. Even our own master couldn't take him down, so it's not going to be some walk in the park." Erza says leaning on a stick. Her ankle looks injured, you wince for her.

"Yeah but first I need a new outfit, my skirt is showing a little more than it needs to." You turn around and look at yourself. "Don't worry (Y/N) I'll help you. Virgo!" Lucy calls Virgo.

She's there in a matter of seconds, "You called princess?" Virgo asks.

"Can you help (Y/N) out here with a new outfit please?" Lucy asks her. Virgo looks you up and down. "Will she punish me once I help her?" She playfully asks. Redness comes up on your cheeks. "Quit it and help her!" Lucy scolds.

"Very well." Virgo disappears and reappears with new clothes. You change in a bush with Wendy's help. You put your hair in a high ponytail.

And you were all done and ready for battle.

"Alright Happy, Carla, Rocky, and Pantherlily we need you guys to find out what's making this ship fly, think you can handle that?" Natsu asks

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"Alright Happy, Carla, Rocky, and Pantherlily we need you guys to find out what's making this ship fly, think you can handle that?" Natsu asks.

"Aye!" Happy cheers his usual catchphrase.

"Now if were don't talking I believe we have a person to defeat." Gray makes stairs for you all.

You take the lead running up the ice made stairs. "Ready or not Hades here we come!" Natsu taunts. You run side by side by your comrades.

Finally you make it inside the ship. Hades waits for you all arms crossed with a look of not a care in the world.

"Fire dragon roar!"

"Ice make lance!"


"Solar Burner Blade!" A yellow  and red sword appears from your arm as you swing it at Hades he blocks it doing semi-damage. He still sends you flying into Lucy.

"Enhance Virgié Now Go!" Wendy shouts.

Your body feels like it's floating on air as you race towards Hades again with Erza and Gray. "Double Light!" Your feet light up with golden bright light, as you kick Hades repeatedly in different combinations. But he still blocks them, his magic grabs ahold of your leg and you run into Gray tumbling. "Ow my bad.." your back is on Gray's stomach in a lowercase N position.

"This guy really is tough.." Gray says as you get off of him.

"All that Magic and he barely has a scratch.." Lucy looks in awe and fear


It was hopeless, you were running out of magic and fast.

"This is the Solar Dragon I heard took out most of not all  my men in one sweep." Hades says kicking your stomach. You found out he was actually Fairy Tail's second master. He almost killed Wendy but luckily she was saved by one of Lucy's spirits.

"Leave her alone!" Erza cries out for you.

His magic repeated shoots you back to back. You took the pain in silent yells and tears. Then you felt it.

The air. The lighting. Your eyes go wide.

"He can't be." You quietly say. "Speak Up girl I cant hear you." Hades cackles shooting you more. You scream out louder than before.

Then a lighting bolt hits the ship and in the room you all were in. Hades jumps back from the sudden action. Your tears well up once you see him standing there in the flesh holding you close to him.

"You came..." you lift your head up look at him and holding him closer.

"Of course I did."

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