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He held me so tight I was sure he would never let go. I allowed only a few stray tears to leave me because there was no use in crying, it wouldn't change anything and honestly, I had no regrets. I was going to get my life in order and I could see that Jackson really did want to help me. I trusted him and that was saying something considering I spent so long being alone, defending myself, being responsible for only me and having nobody watching my back.

"We should get back to cooking." I mumbled with a sigh into his chest. It was so nice having him hold me but I couldn't deny that I was hungry and that I had no right to being this close to him and feeling the things I felt.

"Yeah," he mumbled but made no move to let go which I both enjoyed and dreaded.

Jackson was peculiar. He was unlike anybody I had ever come across which wasn't saying much since most of the people I had full conversations with were homeless, but before the homeless part. In school, I had no real friends, those around me were so stuck in their own problems that it didn't matter to them whoever suffered worse around them. Everyone looked out for themselves and Jackson didn't which is why I found him to be so odd. It was refreshing but it also scared me because it made me want to be around him all the time. It made me feel like I could keep him.

I was probably falling into a trap of my own making and he wasn't helping by being so sweet to me.

He finally let go and he gazed at me, he smiled and leaned in, his lips were so soft and warm against my forehead, I flushed a weird sensation going through me. He then pulled me out of the bathroom and lead me to the living room.

"I think I'll finish up the cooking while you watch TV." He told me and patted my head. I was so shocked I couldn't really think straight, nor could I come up with a suitable argument. Tomin meowed and jumped into my lap. He looked at me intently but I couldn't really focus on what he wanted to tell me, I was too caught up in Jackson's gracious attitude.

Soon enough, we had eaten and were watching some TV.

"Alright, I believe I have a suitable plan now," he said making me look at him curiously.

"About?" I leaned back.

"You," he smiled, "Monday we should head over to the home affairs office. It'll take a month or so to get you a new ID, then you work at my restaurant." My eyes widened. "Nothing big, you start small, it'll help when you start applying for jobs, they like having people with a bit more experience."

"Jackson," I found myself touching his thigh and he glanced at the hand before looking at me. "Thank you." I said with the utmost sincerity. It felt like it was all I ever really said to him these day and honestly it came from the bottom of my heart. I didn't know how else to let him know that I'm grateful for him.

So, Monday morning we got into the busiest line ever but I was too excited to really mind and this seemed to amuse Jackson. We talked about random things as we got closer. We filled out a lot of forms and gave finger prints which gave them a digital document which was my birth certificate,took a photo and a date to which my ID would be ready.

As we walked out, I was so happy I couldn't stop smile, it wasn't something that big but having my ID was going to open up a few doors for me, and the fact that Jackson had offered me a job, I couldn't contain my excitement.

"I swear, your like a kid on a candy store." I found myself giggling as he slung his arms over my shoulder.

We were at home then talking and laughing when it happened. I swear, it was an accident. I hasn't really been aware of everything and I didn't realise it until it was too late.

He said something funny and I laughed falling into him, as I rose my head our faces were so close it cut my fading laugh off and I was just smiling like a fool. I could feel his breath.

I stares into his dark eyes for what felt like forever and I was at peace even though my heart wanted to beat right to out of my chest.

"Your eyes..." He trailed off and his hand rose, touching my hair, "they are" He whispered and my cheeks filled with colour.

"Thank you..." I whispered glancing at his lips. As bad an idea as it was, I wanted to, I really wanted to push forward and press my lips and I nearly did when the phone rang and Tomin jumped onto my lap.

That was too close.

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