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I hadn't slept after he left, every time my eyes closed his...package flashed before my eyes and my heart wouldn't slow down. Obviously I was an idiot. I shouldn't have helped him. I should have left him there to fend for himself as he probably always has. I frowned at myself as I buttoned my shirt. No, I don't regret helping him. Not even a little bit, even though he'd branded his lower region into my mind,probably scaring me.

I huffed then and left my room,my tie in hand. I slung it over the kitchen chairs. It was drizzling outside and it was cold. I began to make breakfast,simple waffles eggs and toast while the coffee maker made coffee. I was halfway done when he came out.

"Morning." He greeted me casually while I furrowed my brows feeling awkward as thoughts of last night flashed through my mind.

"Right." I said and turned away from him to try and get my face under control. I just needed to breathe and think. There was an awkward silence between us which I guessed was partly my fault. I sighed and served us before sitting down beside him. We ate in silence.

"Thank you," he said as he finished and sat almost like a statue, staring down at his hands. I sighed feeling bad. "I know you didn't have to, so, thanks for letting me spend the night and feeding me. I'll be on my way then." I turned to him and he looked up at me.

"It's still bad out, " I said and chewed on my inner cheek. "Where will you stay if I take you back?" He gave me a small smile.

"I'll manage," he told me and turned to the window by the sink which showed us the grey sky and the wet window.

"Are you sure?" I contemplated letting him stay, but I hardly knew the guy, for all I know, I could end up coming home and finding that half my stuff is gone and I couldn't let that happen just because I felt bad for him now could I?

"Yeah," he smiled and stood. I realised he was dressed in what he had came in last night and it was damp and I frowned but chose not to say anything.

I nodded and stood, taking our dishes to the sink I ringed them and put them into the dishwasher before grabbing my tie and keys.

He followed me as I walked and did my tie. As we got in my car, I was done and he was shivering. I chose to ignore it. I had shown enough kindness as is and would probably end up mugged for it. I turned the heat on and we were on our way.

Soon he was out of my car and running for shelter in the alley. I opened my restaurant and prepared for work.

"You did what?" My cousin said in his usual bored tone.

"I know," I blew out the smoke, the rain had stopped and I was on break. I had explained to him what I'd done for Kevin, the homeless man.

"Are you trying to win brownie points with the man upstairs or are you slowly losing your mind?" He commented and I chuckled leaning against the wall.

See, my cousin, Nick, was my best friend. We practically grew up together since when my parents died and his mom,my aunt, took me in. He knew me inside and out so this was as much a shock for him as it was for me.

"I don't even know what to tell you." I fixed my eyes on the ground. I had gone through the day unable to stop thinking about him. It was weird, but... I actually wanted to see him again despite his display last night. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of it.

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