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I sat alone with a stray cat in the alley way, trying not to be heard as the usual raids took place. I stared into the mismatched eyes of Tomin, the cat and hoped that whoever was out there would be kind enough to allow me to get out of this without markings.

It was chilly and I was hungry, hiding was ruining all chances of food for me and the raiders seemed to be taking their sweet time. See, the raiders where fellow homeless people who just happen to look meaner and smell worse. They never lifted a finger to provide for themselves and often we,the weaker homeless people fell prey to their inability to go out and beg.

I hoped against all odds that the sandwich I stored from earlier wouldn't be found. Finally they came by me and I tried not to show them how fearful I was. I kept my eyes low as they snickered and poked me.

"Lookie,here,the kid found a friend." A female with green teeth and a wide smile,her blonde hair could barely pass for blonde as she threw her head back when one of them threw mud at my face. I flinched and tried not to move.

"What you got kid?" The ring leader asked crouching down.

"Nothing," I told him and avoided eye contact.

"You wouldn't lie to your old friend,would you now,kid? You know what happens to liars." He touched my chin and studied my face. He began removing the big chunks of mud on my face and hummed. "You are awfully pretty for a boy." He grinned at me, his rancid breathe fanning my face and I tried not to look too disgusted.

"Ai, Richie,look what I got." I turned with a gasp as one of his many followers pulled out a bag with a half eaten sandwich.

"Please," I begged. "I haven't eaten all day,I need it." I pleaded as I stared at Richie who tilted his head. I could already feel the fatigue running through me,disorienting me.

"Hmm," he scratched his chin and stood and I followed even though I felt I would faint at any point. "Well,if I let this go,what will the rest of these idiots think? You know I have to,kid." He smirked. "Unless,you have something to offer." His eyes raked up and down my body. I looked at the repulsive man and the sandwich and wondered if it would be worth it. I felt myself become sick just from thinking about it. "Well,I guess you'll starve like the rest of them." He chuckled a dark glint in his eye and he walked away,the woman sneered at me and pushed me into the wall. I slid down,my stomach grumbling loudly.

I sighed as I scratched Tomin's head. I licked my lips. It was already late and I knew most of the decent food was gone already. I stood anyway,trying to think positive.

Tomin followed me as I walked through the dark alley,clutching my over sized trenchcoat to me. The darker it got,the colder it was. I swallowed,my throat dry.

The wind howled in my ears as I travelled alley to alley, rummaging through the trash for anything really,even a small speck of bread would have been great. Soon enough the clouds had gathered and had thickened. I sighed feeling hopeless as I made my way to the last alley. It was right next to a hot and happening restaurant.

I pushed a bucket next to the trash can so I could reach since it was huge. I was hanging over its edge,my hands working to open plastic bags and going through the restaurants trash.

I sighed as I found nothing,not even a grain. I cursed,didn't people get tired of devouring their plates completely? I'd given up and slumped by the large container and Tomin meowed at me,rubbing his body against me.

"Oh,Tomin," I sighed running a hand through his fur as he settled beside me. "I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow." Thunder boomed over head when the sound of a door opening alerted me and I jumped. The bucket fell and I froze.

"Hello?" A deep rough voice asked. "Anyone there?" He questioned probably from the door.

I wasn't sure if answering was the best but finally I heard the sound of foot steps and soon I was caught. What looked like a worker from the restaurant stared down at me. The man was big and I mean wrestler big. I only saw the outline of him due to the light coming from behind him.

"Sorry,I was just leaving." I squeaked out because I was pretty confident that he could beat me to a pulp if he wanted and I did not want to end up beaten for rummaging through his trash.

"Hey," he called as I turned and I froze. "What were you doing here?" I turned and he threw the bag of trash effortlessly into the container.

"Uh...looking...for food." I mumbled helplessly and scratched my head. I looked up at him,his black hair was wavey and unruly but it suited him. We had changed angles and I saw the side of his face. His eyes were dark and his brows were thick and he had a square jaw.

"Oh,are you hungry?" He ran a hand through his wavey hair and frowned.

"Yeah,very." I said and pursed my lips,one thing I've learned in this world is just to be honest. Living on the streets it was easy to misinterpret things and pity could be a huge advantage if you could find someone willing to give it to you.

"Well,if you stay here I could get you a plate," the stranger said and I smiled at him.

"That would be great,thank you." He nodded at me and disappeared into the restaurant. I picked up the bucket and sat down patiently. Tomin anxiously meowed and I shook my head.

In five minutes,the man was back, a heated plate of food in his hand. I felt myself drool as he handed it to me. It looked so good,the rice with chicken and a carrot salad which seemed to be mixed with cooked onion and beans. I dug in greedily,not caring that the man stood there watching. He chuckled as my cheeks filled to the brim. With the food filling me,the cold didn't bother me.

"Slow down,tiger." He chuckled and took out a cigarette, he looked at me. "Do you mind?" I shook my head,he'd just saved me from starving. At this point I would let him do anything. I felt so over joyed that tears ran down my cheeks. I took a small piece of the meat and handed it to Tomin.

"Guess you don't get too much,huh?" He asked blowing out smoke. I paused,staring at him and nodded swallowing. He took something from his pocket. I realised it was a juice box. He handed it to me. I looked up at him. The man was God sent.

"Thank you." I managed to say and opened the box, drinking greedily.

"I'm Jackson, by the way." The stranger introduced as I finished the rest of my meal, even the small grains of rice.

"Kevin." I took deep breaths,and sighed in satisfaction. "Thank you,again, this was way too generous." Jackson shook his head. The cold was barely notice able.

"Don't worry about it." Jackson took the plate from me and I couldn't help the happy smile on my face. "Wait here." He disappeared again and I furrowed my brows. He returned with a plastic bag. I gapped at him. "For tomorrow morning,and there is some milk for your cat."

"I can't accepted this." I tried to tell him he shook his head,not taking the plastic back.

"Please,take it." I wondered how much trouble he would get into if his boss finds out.


"Please." He said softly. "It's the least I can do." The thunder boomed overhead and a drop of rain hit my forehead. I looked up and shivered.

"Thank you."

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