Chapter 66

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Regarding such attitude of his - dragging me down to die with him - I disdain it from the bottom of my heart, and so, I resolutely come to a decision: give this guy a punch to let him know how much I disdain it.

I go by the principle of people becoming lighter in water, using my left hand to grab the clothing at his chest and lift him up, whilst my right hand clenches into a fist and makes a clean swing, preparing to give him 'the reason why a panda's eyes are so black', who knew this rascal would easily move his head and dodge it, all whilst clenching his claws at my waist even more, pulling me to tightly stick against his chest.

Just as I wanted to push him away and continue to give him a punch, he starts to bring me along in sinking down, swallowing water as he vaguely says something about not being able to swim blah blah blah. Oh how furious I got, if you can't swim then why are you still clinging to me? You want us to die together ah? Scoundrel. I put all my effort in kicking my legs to swim upwards, just that suffering from my body being tightly clutched onto by him, I couldn't do much, resulting in me unable to get anywhere despite how much I kept kicking, when I stretched my leg, preparing to kick him away, he suddenly gives me an immoral smile, then before I could even react to this, his lips touches mine, doing his all to suck over and over again, in attempt to open my mouth and......steal my oxygen.

May you all make a judgement of this, how could there be such a scoundrel in this world?!

I tug at his ears and pull them back, seeing his pained expression soothed my feelings, just that before I could get overly arrogant, I once again grit my teeth, this scoundrel of a ladyboy actually pinches my cheeks to force me to open my mouth, then grandly inhales as well as letting his tongue in - entangling?

I am speechless, dare I ask, is he taking advantage of me whilst saving himself?

At a time like this, whoever endures it is a b*stard!

I fiercely punch his chest, taking advantage of the moment he was struck with pain, I kick him away and swim up towards the water surface, having just breathed in the sweet and delicious air, I feel my waist tighten, once again being desperately dragged down by someone. After entering the water, that scoundrel once again comes sticking close to me, of course I kick him and swim up, once again breathing in the air, once again getting dragged down by him......

This went on in a cycle, until we were rescued.

I am wrapped in a blanket Bai Wei handed me, shivering, Bai Wei lets out a sigh of relief beside my ear, speaking with lingering fear: "Fortunately you can swim, if not, what to do when met with a situation like this......?"

I wipe my hair and raise my head, just when I wanted to say something, I see Ladyboy Pan opposite me, currently with his head lowered, wiping his hands with a white handkerchief, several strands of black hair, dampened by seawater, restlessly sticking to his fair face, black and white clearly distinguished, looking in particularly enchanting. He seems to have sensed my eyes on him, raising his head to look at me, the look of romantic ambiguity and teasing flashing past his black orbs, he purse his thin lips and smiles, meaningfully saying: "That's right ah, thankfully Lady Ah-Lan can swim, if not, I really wouldn't know what to do......Lady Ah-Lan, you truly have been 'overworked' just now."

Bai Wei hears this and doesn't find it strange, just helping me hook my dampened hair behind my ears, quipping: "Gentleman Pan indeed needs to greatly thank Ah-Lan then."

Ladyboy Pan's beautiful eyes makes a turn, eyes fixing onto me as he softly says: "That is of course."

The corner of my eyes twitches, lightly smiling as I say to Bai Wei: "Can you bring me a bowl of water?"

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