Chapter 16

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Since the ancient times, the Chinese people's method of atoning themselves have always tended to be treating the guest to dinner, entertainment, or recreation, of course, Gentleman Guan is also of no exception. Ying Lu says Gentleman Guan has arranged to meet her at 'Zhen Wei Court' tomorrow, a little banquet, in apology.

Hearing this, I feel rather pleased, from the sounds of it, Gentleman Guan is quite the sincere man. But what is sincerity? It is a plaything that cannot be seen, nor touched, whether someone's heart holds true sincerity or not, it cannot been seen through layers of soft meat and skin.

In this day and age, we are all best-off learning to treat sincerity as the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, just don't hold too much of an expectation.

I deeply understand this is Gentleman Guan's tactic to win over Ying Lu, but what I don't understand is, why he would come to find me that next morning? I sit in the room where servants can meet their guests, feeling very confused, really, in particularly confused.

"Ah-Lan?" Gentleman Guan's smile is rather pleasantly amiable, "I remember Young Lady Meng calling you this that day, right?"

I stiffly nod, "Ah."

"Ah-Lan." Gentleman Guan's eyes vaguely flashes an apologetic look, "Regarding the matter from the day before, I have caused great offense, I truly am......extremely ashamed."

Deep inside, I shrug my shoulders, turns out my memory had been muddled up, that day, it was me who got hit by him, and not him that got hit by me, if not, why would it suddenly become a situation of him apologising to me? In this world, the facts are turned upside down, the truth is reversed.

Gentleman Guan then laments: "Blame me for being overly hasty that day, reaching a conclusion without figuring out the situation yet, leading to the inappropriate and rude behaviour towards Young Lady Meng, I truly am an embarrassment of a scholar, an embarrassment of a scholar ah."

I blankly look at him without saying a word, not speaking up to accept his apology nor do I smile at ease, only leaving him alone to stiffly smile. I presume he is tired of smiling now, finally letting his smile fade, pretending to speak unintentionally: "Ah-Lan, you will be coming with Young Lady Meng too, right?"

I indifferently say: "En."

Gentleman Guan is not at all affected, "That means you are also willing to accept my apology?"

My tone is as flat as a straight line, "En."

"That is great then." Gentleman Guan spreads a smile, that considerably good-looking face brimming with a smile, "Then, can I inquire something from you?"

My line of sight slides down to the table top, lowering my head to nonsensically observe the little lines on the surface of the table, "Oh."

Gentleman Guan's voice sounds completely free from fake intentions, only sincerity can be heard, "Tomorrow I shall be the one treating, so of course I need to attend to my guests' likings. But towards Young Lady Meng, I know nothing, that will be too rude of me, thinking about it for a bit, Young Lady Meng and you are so close, you should be the one who knows her best, I hope you are able to help me with this favour."

I extend my finger, sliding it across the surface of the table with disinterest, "What do you want to ask?"

Gentleman Guan immediately asks: "In fact, I'd just like to know what dishes Young Lady Meng usually likes to eat, tomorrow I will tell the cook to carefully prepare it. Oh, of course, what Ah-Lan likes to eat should also be included."

Aiyo~ feeding me is but a free ride on Ying Lu's car.

I halt my action upon hearing this, slowly raising my head, "You're asking, what dishes Young Lady usually likes to eat?"

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