Chapter 42

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When I raise my head to look at He Lian Chen, I am directly faced with his smooth and clean chin, looking closely, I can even see the slightly dark stubble, I think to myself, this is young men ah, full of vitality. I attempt to withdraw from his embrace before speaking, just that the strength in his arms around my waist is not light, and so, I could only look up at his chin as I say: "Ah-Lan greets your majesty."

For some unknown reason, He Lian Chen sounds a bright laughter, without even looking up, he says to He Xing Yan: "Aren't you going to hurry down now?"

That certain person above in the trees, hurriedly swings his way down, smiling at He Lian Chen with a face of pure innocence as he says: "Imperial Brother."

He Lian Chen sweeps a glance at him, "Finished writing up the answers to the test Grand Tutor Chen set?"

He Xing Yan's face stiffens, "Eh, no."

"Go back and copy {{Retreat Scheme}} ten times." He Lian Chen very casually says, ignoring how He Xing Yan's pretty face had instantly darkened in that moment.

"Ten, ten, ten times?" He Xing Yan's lips trembles, "Imperial Brother, you're kidding me, right......?"

He Lian Chen hooks up his lips into a smile, "Fifteen times."

He Xing Yan instantly turns and leaves upon hearing this, with no hesitance.

I inwardly think that this child sure is swift, not even caring about my life or death as he just ditches me like that. Also, isn't he a fool, why is acting so recklessly without a care right now? Or is this brat the same as me, not acting anymore?

He Xing Yan, this is what you call a fake, you know that?

"Alright." Great Master He's pleasant sounding, deep voice sounds next to my ear, "Fifth Princess, it is now about time for us to settle our differences."

I very unwillingly get pulled along by him towards the room, who wants to settle differences with you? Who has any differences with you? Don't you blindly overreach now.

Once we arrive inside, He Lian Chen very naturally sits down, finger casually tapping against the table, "Is Fifth Princess liking it here?"

With a smile on my face, I gently say: "Your majesty has provided very thorough hospitality."

A smile surfaces in He Lian Chen's eyes, "Princess can stay here a little longer then, also giving zhen the honour to do my best as host, how's that?"

My tone is very friendly, "Ah-Lan naturally cannot ask for anything more, just that, be it a gold house or silver house, better it be one's own dog house (no place is better than home), afraid I must reject your majesty's good intentions."

"Oh?" He Lian Chen raises his thick brows, "Could it be, Princess is afraid of worrying others?"

I say: "Ah-Lan did not even leave a letter when leaving, it is indeed not right."

He Lian Chen carries a seeming smile on his face, "Should Princess be worrying about this problem, then it is nothing, you can stay here as long as you want."

I see some deeper meanings behind his expression, the meaning of his words is......?

He reaches out to pour himself a cup of tea, shaking the cup but doesn't drink from it, "The people of Yun Mi are currently celebrating the enthronement of the female emperor, the imperial palace is also a scene of overflowing festivity, with no news of someone missing, nor is there any signs of searching for anyone." He deeply looks at me, fleeting anger flashes past those eyes of faint gold, "Since it is like this, then Princess can accept zhen's good intentions now."

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