Chapter 11

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Against Young Master's scolding, I repeatedly think over it a few times, the conclusion I get from this is, I have not remembered wrongly, my surname is not Cui. Since my surname is not Cui, then Young Master's meals aren't my responsibility. Since Young Master meals aren't my responsibility, then my relation to whether he starves to death or not is just like his relation to Chairman Mao: no relation at all.

But I cannot be like this, I'm a maid, I'm a maid with both rationality and kindness, I'm very generous, really am very generous. After several minutes of performing self-hypnotism, I blankly stare at Young Master's stomach, then look at my own stomach......

"Young Master," I speak up, my tone slowed, "In fact......"

Young Master lightly raises his pretty brows, appearing to be waiting for my explanation, "En?"

"In fact......" I sheepishly smile, "This servant is also hungry."

Young Master's bright black orbs falters for a second, followed by the dangerous narrowing of his long eyes, "What did you say?"

I maintain my honest smile, "In fact, this servant is also hungry."

Young Master slightly leans in towards my face, his emotions undetectable in his deep voice, "You're......also hungry?"

I blink my eyes and sincerely answer: "This servant didn't eat breakfast, didn't eat lunch, didn't even eat dinner."

Young Master's pretty lips that were originally tightly pursed, makes an almost unnoticeable twitch upwards, eyes revealing a trace of laughter, and his tone suddenly softens, "Truly a fool, what're you waiting for then? Quickly follow me."

I have already grown accustom to his 'one second of rain and thunder, another second of sunshine and rainbows' behaviour.

As I see him suavely turn his back to me, I make an unkind speculation, was he not just engaging in a romantic moment with Ke Ren just now, how come he came back so early?Could it be that he's 'too hurried but lacks progress', 'willing in spirit but lacking in strength'? Aiya, if that is the case then he is so pitiful, I truly feel sympathetic for him ah, this child has such a tragic story.

But, when he leaned in towards me before, his body still only had the faint scent of rosin, added with the fact that he had not changed his clothes, eh, perhaps I can understand that due to some sort of unneglectable reason, he had no choice but to hit the emergency brakes?

In summary, no matter what situation he came under, his nonsensical behaviour just now, can all be understood.

Young Master, I understand you, really, I extremely understand. See, how kind and understanding I am.

I dumbly follow him into the room, dumbly watch him sit whilst I stand, dumbly sniff the waves of fragrance of the dishes that wafts past, dumbly putting on a blank face that completely contradicts my inner thoughts, dumbly hearing him speak with unusual gentleness: "Ah-Lan, you sit too."

And in the end, I dumbly watch his hand pass over countless mouth-watering, fragrant and delicious dishes, pointing at a bowl of 'white goose floating on clear water', saying to me: "You shall eat this for your lunch."

I believe that my expression must have turned even more blank.

He once again raises his phoenix eyes, holding back a smile as he adds, "Oh right, this has pork filling."

I look at that bowl of dumplings — that despite being in clear water, also gives rise to steaming fragrance — and fall into a daze, my back tooth suddenly feeling a bit sore......

In fact, I really love eating dumplings, be it in that almost forgotten past life, or this life, and my deep love for this sort of white, big and juicy food, resulted in me suffering a onetime traumatic event that made me stay far from it but remain incapable of hating it. And the memory of that time......

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