8th December - A Heathrow's Christmas Miracle Part (1)

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Hastily people rushed from one place to another. An incomprehensible announcement sounded throw the airport speaker. For a moment I moved my sore eyes from the laptop screen and watched people move. It seemed like time would move on rapidly, but I stayed frozen in a dark void of tediousness. Snow fell peacefully from the sky. It was weird, from inside – the snow seemed like a beautiful Christmas miracle that covered the ground gently, yet I could basically hear the staff cursing underneath their breath because it made their work a lot more difficult.
The airport was decked in Christmas decorations. A giant glowing Christmas tree stood in the midst of a crowd of people, desperate to get home for the holiday. A few feet apart on the other side of the room stood another big walkthrough Christmas bulb. Some people stopped and took a picture inside. A couple went in next and posed kissing. I turned away, rolling my eyes and glanced towards the destination board. My gate wouldn't be announced for another ten minutes. I blew out some air and rubbed my eyes fatigued. Then I focused back on the screen. I arrived many hours too early, so I decided to do some assignments, sparing myself the work for home. I have been glued on the screen for the last two hours. My fingers hurt and my energy felt drained. I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. The Cursor blinked at me mockingly, as I could not write another word. I slammed my laptop shut, dejected. One Minute had passed. I couldn't wait to leave this place. Outside, the wind had taken on a little bit.
Maybe it was time for a snack.

When I got back I, I stopped in front of the destination board. My eyes searching for my flight number. I found it and was faced with disappointment. A few minutes after the gate was supposed to be shown, nothing had changed. I groaned.
"Anxious to get away from here?", a dark voice suddenly asked beside me. I took me a moment to realize the guy was talking to me.
"Well, my gate was supposed to be shown five minutes ago and boarding begins in fifteen. So yes, I am anxious to not get away from here!", I grunted and crossed my arms before my chest. My feet continued to tap nervously on the ground.
"You still got some time. Where do you have to go?", he asked. My eyes were fixed on the display. The letters were starting to blur on the edges.
"Home.", I clenched through my teeth. I was not in a mood for a conversation with some stranger. The guy chuckled. I did not understand what seems so amusing.
Finally, the display changed.
Please wait I read, my feet tapping the ground more rapidly. I took my bag and waited for the display to change again. And it did. I sighed out of relief. My nerves were high, and I just wanted to get on the plane. I loved to travel, but flying was still something I could not warm up to. It wasn't normal to be that high above the ground! I was no bird. And there wasn't a safety net in case of a crash. 

I read the Gate and shot a quick glance at the guy. I faltered at the familiarity of his face, yet I couldn't associate him.
"Well, have a good life, then.", I said as I regained my voice and started walking away. My bag was filled to its maximum, making my back ache while I walked.
A few more people were seated in front of our gate, only one guy staffed the counter. I sat down next to a family. The youngest kid was playing on the ground and I prayed to god, that that child would not sit anywhere near me. Don't get me wrong- I love children- just not on airplanes, especially on an eight-hour flight.

The snow fell more heavily, it also seemed like the wind had picked up. I had a bad feeling about it. A plane rolled past my window, to the next gate.
Someone sat down across from me. I gasped as I realized who he was.
"Are you following me?", I hissed at him. He smirked and chuckled.
"Why would I want to? There are more interesting people to stalk." My eyes narrowed. I clenched my fist, trying to remain calm. I tried to ignore him, but he kept talking.
"It seems like, we have the same flight."
"Great.", I replied drily and looked outside. I glanced at my watch. The airplane should have been here by now. Why wasn't it at the gate?
My question shall be answered sooner than I wanted. The airport speaker clicked a few times, then a voice mumbled through it. I could barely understand it. But I didn't have to. Shortly afterward the display on the gate showed a word, that made one of my airport nightmares come true. Canceled.
"Crap", he took the words right out my mouth.

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