21st December - Space Between (2)

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It's finally the 26th and I am so excited! I have been up since 9am, waiting for my gift to arrive. I have already seen the postman, but he unfortunately hasn't stopped at my house yet. However, I am waiting patiently, feeling hopeful that today will be a good day!

The last few haven't been the best, I literally only got to see and talk to him for 5 or 10 minutes, and with all the rush we weren't able to say much, just how the day was going and that we were excited for the 26th.

Thankfully, it's finally here!

It's too soon to call him anyways, and everyone is still asleep, resting after our long family night, which I wouldn't trade for anything. I just wish Mason was a little bit closer...

I turn on the TV, with a cup of tea in my hands, watching a romantic comedy that's streaming on one of the channels. I have watched it quite a few times, but it never gets old.

As the minutes pass by, I feel my eyelids become heavier and heavier, the lack of sleep draining the energy from my body.

I am almost giving in when I hear my phone ring, a tone that I know too well.


Checking the time before answering, I notice it's a little after midday, meaning it's 6am in London.

Worried that something might have happened, I accept the call right away, also finding it strange that he has the camera turned off.

"Mason? Is everything okay?"

"Hey! Yeah everything is okay! Just thought you wanted to open the presents now." My boyfriend greets me, with much more energy than I have at the moment.

"What? Honey, it's 6am there. What are you doing up? And I have been waiting but there's nothing in the mail for me yet..."

"Are you sure? I was told it was outside your door already..." Mason insists, seeming sure of what he is saying.

"Outside my door? No, like I said, I have been waiting all morning. There's nothing for me..." I reply, frustrated that he isn't listening to me.

"Are you dressed?" He asks.

"What does that even mean? What's happening, Mase?"

"Can you please go outside and check. I want to confirm. Maybe the postman just left it on your porch. He is probably super busy at the moment and didn't have time to ring." Mason keeps insisting and I getting confused.

"Okay... Let me just grab my shoes and put on my jacket."

I do as I said, preparing myself for the cold weather I will be facing outside.

I open the door, still holding the phone, and peek, taking a step outside. There isn't anything.

"Mason, really. There's nothing here. Now can I get back inside?"

"Are you sure?" He asks, but his voice sounds different, clearer, almost as if...

I look up and shout, completely shocked by the scene in front of me.

"Surprise!" Mason exclaims, standing there, only a few feet from me, wearing the most beautiful smile.

I freeze for a moment, trying to understand if I fell asleep and am only living a dream, or if it's actually happening.

When the shock finally fades away, and all the emotions kick in, I run as fast as I can towards him, throwing myself in his arms.

"Mason... You're here!" I whisper, holding him tight.

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