20th December- Space Between (1)

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 by @Dandelion-Girl (Nessie M.)

I sit in front of the computer, waiting for the clock to finally hit 11pm.

It's like this everyday, but as Christmas Eve approaches it gets a bit harder each time...

Mason and I have been in a long distance relationship for almost a year now. Two years in a "normal" one before that.

He was born in London, and moved to the USA as a kid, but when his family went back, Mason made the right choice, going with them.

Ever since, we have only seen each other face-to-face one time, but thanks to the amazing invention called Internet, we make video calls every week day!

There may be 3945 miles (approximately 6340 kilometers) separating Chicago from London, however, this way, we almost get to meet in the space between.

Being in two different continents also means different time zones (a 6-hour-gap actually) which was difficult to deal with at first, however we managed to adjust!

His classes finish at 4pm, so, to give him time to arrive home, still making sure it doesn't get too late for me, we set our daily meeting at 5/11pm sharp!

Weekends used to be more flexible, meaning extra time to talk and even study together, but 3 months ago Mason started working Saturdays and Sundays, so those days are unfortunately over... We try to compensate, making the most of every call, even when they have to be short.

Today, I am looking forward to this more than usually because according to my calculations the gift I sent him arrived today.

As the clock strikes 11pm, Mason, with his British punctuality, starts the video call.

I accept it as soon as it pops up on the screen, being greeted by his smiley face.

"Hello, Kit Kat! You look rather gorgeous today!" Mason compliments, his reacquired accent making me grin.

"Well, thank you! You don't look too bad yourself." I reply, trying to mimic his accent, but totally failing as usual. He chuckles.

"How was your day?"

"It was okay... I am just super glad this first semester will be over tomorrow! I totally need a break from college..." I confess and he nods, ruffling his blond curls.

"I know what you mean, honey... I am really looking forward to the 20st..."

"You must be extra tired... Between exams, papers and work..."

"I am never too exhausted to talk to you, though!" He winks, making me giggle.

"Good to know! Because I missed you! I know we talked yesterday, and the day before but..."

"With Christmas..." He completes, knowing me too well.

"Exactly... The good thing is, when we are both on Winter break, at least we won't have to worry as much about the 6 hours of difference."

"I have bad news regarding that... Unfortunately, I will be working all day from 21 to 23, besides 24th's morning..." Mason reveals, leaving me speechless. "It's good money and you know I am saving up..."

I shake my head, trying to recollect myself.

"Well, yes, of course... Will I still get to talk to you on Christmas Day?"

"Christmas Day will be tricky... You know we usually visit both my grandmothers..."

Feeling disappointed and actually heartbroken, I don't know what to say to him.

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