4th December -Between Starbuck's cups (2)

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Having no radio or phone, it's hard to keep distracted and ignore the fact that, without the heat working, I am literally freezing here. Plus, I have no idea what I should do now...

Maybe you should have been less stubborn and accepted his help...

Forget it, Norine. That's just the cold talking...

A knock on the window wakes me from my thoughts. I turn my head facing the person I have been cursing for the last half an hour or so.

He is fully equipped for the weather, wearing a big coat, scarf, gloves and a beanie. So basically I can only see his eyes, nose and some of his red curls who insist on peaking through the hat, but it's quite easy to recognize him.

Feeling ignored, as I am still trying to make sense of the image in front of me, he waves, pointing to the small cup I now notice he is holding.

Debating between the idea of simply opening a bit of the window or letting him get inside, I decide to go with the last.

I unlock the door and he opens it, sitting on the passenger's seat and taking off his beanie.

"It's freezing, right?" He asks once settled.

"What do you want?" I demand, crossing my arms. I don't see how my humor can improve at this point really.

"Straight to the point I see.." He chuckles, seeming (highlight on that) shy.

"Yes, please..." I insist, getting even more annoyed with each second that he wastes.

"Well, so... Hum, I noticed you were still in your car, and since you said you had a problem with it, I thought you were probably freezing here, because it's super cold outside... So, yeah, I decided to bring you this to help." He rambles, handing me the flaming cup afterwards.

By instinct, I hold it, feeling better right away when its warmth spreads through my body.

"It's a tea. Mint. It's the only machine who still had anything hot." He continues, probably expecting me to drink it.

Not caring about any of my negative feelings towards him, I take the cup to my lips, stopping before I take a sip.

"Wait, how do I know this doesn't have poison or drugs or anything like that?" I ask suspicious about his "kind gesture".

He laughs again, his dimples making themselves quite visible. Not that I noticed, of course.

"You must read or watch a lot of tv..." He jokes, not exactly getting the reaction he expected in return. Putting on a serious face, he replies "If it makes you feel better I can drink it too."

His offer is tempting but having all the tea to myself is more, so I do it, feeling better with each sip.

"Approved?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

"It was okay..." I shrug, not wanting to give him the importance he is looking for.

A few seconds pass by and he doesn't move or show any signs that he will.

"Thank you, Alexander..." I say, waiting for him to get the clue that it's time to leave.

He seems surprised for a second, wrinkling his nose afterwards.

"Alec, please."

I roll my eyes mentally.

He is kidding, right?

"Alexander seems fine to me, actually."

He clears his throat.

"You said you have a problem with your car. Can I try and help?"

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