15th December - Swapping = Stalking (2)

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It's the next day, and I am getting ready to meet Daniel.

Last night, I did talk with Elena, who got even more excited than I did about this plan. She gave me all kinds of tips (that I didn't ask for) regarding what to wear, how to act and what to say, playing the matchmaker role as usual.

I decided to do exactly the opposite, choosing a causal outfit, cute but not flashy, because that isn't me at all, plus I have no second intentions here.

Double checking my purse and the bag with the unicorn, I leave the house, heading to my car. The shopping center is quite close, a short 15-minute-ride away.

Once parked, I grab the bag before anything else, otherwise I would probably forget it...

A couple of minutes later, I am at the food court, looking for Daniel. I feel my phone beep, so I check it.

15:00 - You have a new message from Daniel P. Summers.

Daniel: I am here!

Very punctual I see...

As I type my reply, the craziest thing happens: I bump into someone!

I feel my head hit against the person's chest, so I take a step back, ready to apologize.

It's Daniel! Again!

"Olivia?!" He exclaims and we both start laughing.

"Oh my! I am so sorry! I swear it wasn't on purpose! I was answering your message..." I explain, rubbing my forehead.

"It seems faith wants us to meet this way..." He jokes.

"If you weren't sure it was me, you are definitely now!"

"Let's just not turn this into a habit, please? You don't need to get us sore to catch my attention!" Daniel teases pretending to be in pain, which makes me raise my eyebrows.

"You are the tall one here, you should have seen me coming. So how do I know you didn't plan this?"

"I guess you don't..." He answers, winking. "Now, shall we move to nicer things?"

I wave the bag I was so carefully holding.

"See, I didn't forget! Looks like you didn't too." I note with a smile.

"I never forget the important things..." He states, smirking.

"Okay... I feel attacked for some reason, but I will gladly ignore it."

Daniel shakes his head and points to the pancake place.

"Let's get going? Because, I don't know about you, but I am quite hungry."

"Let's go!" I agree, following him.

It doesn't take us long to choose what we want, it's the payment part that gets tricky.

"I was the one who caused this situation in the first place. Let me pay as a way to make amends?" I ask, but he denies it.

"If you hadn't stalked and found me, it would have probably taken us quite longer to solve this, so I want to be the one to pay."

"Stalking wasn't even my idea!" I try to defend myself. "But let's not make a scene here... I'll pay."

"We wouldn't be making a scene if you would just let me pay..."

I sigh, and he stares at me, as if trying to persuade me. An idea comes to my mind.

"Actually, I have a better option. Since swapping took us here, why not do it again? I pay yours and you pay mine." I suggest.

"That's a crazy idea! I like it!" Daniel exclaims, making us both laugh.

With the payment done, we sit at one of the benches, facing each other.

"So, I think I have something that belongs to you..." I start, passing him the bag.

He picks it, checking the content.

"The unicorn came back in one piece. Well done, Olivia! I was afraid you had run over it..." Daniel jokes, making me cross my arms.

"I am not sure I am enjoying this date... I have been insulted more than one time and I haven't even eaten yet!" I complain, mentally noticing that I just called this a date...

Daniel adjust his glasses, exhibiting that smile of his.

"I liked the sound of that..." He whispers, leaning closer.

"The sound of what?"

"Of you calling this a date. I wasn't sure I was allowed to call it like that..." He confesses, making me blush.

"I wasn't sure either... It just slipped..."

"We don't have to call it anything, actually. We just have to enjoy it and see where it takes us. What do you say?" Daniel suggests.

"I like the sound of that..." I reply, mimicking him, which makes us both laugh.

"Now let me return this horrible shirt as well..." He mumbles, with a displeased look, giving me my bag.

I shake my head at his comment.

"I am not sure Elena will like to know how much you hate it. She kind of had high expectations for you..."

"Elena won't ever have to know. Because truth is I don't hate it, after all if you hadn't bought it, none of this would have happened..." He states, again lifting his glasses. At this point I am thinking this is a nervous twitch he has.

"Unless, of course, you bumped into me on purpose..." I tease and he smirks.

"You can have your theory, I have mine..."

"Which is?"

"That you were the one who did it on purpose..." He states, winking.

"Maybe we both did!" I joke and he chuckles.

"That's an even better one! Let's stick to that." He agrees, extending me his hand, which I shake.

"Now, I think we have a few other things to discuss..." I remind, referring to the conversation we left open last night.

"We have all afternoon, honey..." Daniel defies.

The pancakes arrive and we enjoy them, indeed spending a long time talking. About the show, about our lives, dreams, hopes and so much more. When we finally arrive at the parking lot it's past 7 pm. We again lost track of time, because that's how easy it is to have a conversation with him. Despite our differences, the ones we have discovered so far, we manage to find common ground.

Daniel walks me to my car, holding both bags in his hands.

"So did you end up enjoying this date?" He asks, with hands on his pockets

"I guess I had a good time..." I answer, shrugging.

"Maybe we can repeat it so you are certain next time...?"

"I don't see why we can't." I agree, receiving a shy smile from him.

"Great! This time I will stalk you then!" He jokes, winking. "Have a safe trip home!"

Daniel kisses my cheek, turning around just like that, leaving me blushed and smiling.

My phone beeps and I check it, reading the notification on the screen.

Daniel P. Summers changed your nickname to Miss Distraction.

I giggle, thinking it was my distraction who got us here, and I never thought I would be happy about it.

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