23th December - You are nut cracking my heart

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by Dandelion-Girl

Ahhhh December, the season of Nutcracker. And honestly my favorite of all!

Today my studio will be hosting our annual meeting regarding the Nutcracker show. But most importantly, everyone will find out which role they will be dancing.

I am so excited! And also nervous... But mostly excited!

I worked so hard these past months and feel as if I have improved a lot. So hopefully they will trust me with an important part... It would be a dream come true!

I arrive at the studio, greeting a few of my colleagues on the way, and we head to the dancing room where the meeting will take place.

Ballerinas and ballerinos of all ages are siting on the floor, talking and laughing.

The teachers are on a corner, the papers which will define our future (I know, I know, a little dramatic) in their hands.

What surprises me the most is the group of people leaning against the wall: the Hip-Hop dancers.

What are they doing here?

I turn to my friends who are wondering the same, and no one has the answered to it.

We sit down, now more curious then before.

"Did they really have to be here? Isn't this about the Nutcracker?" Daniel mumbles.

"Maybe we will have two shows this year..." Emily suggests.

"It think it's fair... They also deserve one." Helen says, shrugging.

"Yeah, but does it have to be at the same time as ours? Can't we just have our moment?" Britt complains, rolling her eyes.

There's a clear rivalry at our studio between ballet dancers and hip-hop dancers, meaning that we are never in the same room at the same time. So this right here is something I have never seen before.

I open my mouth to talk but in that moment Mrs. Jones whistles to win our attention.

Everyone gets quiet, turning to the group of teachers. Only now do I notice that Mr. Cameron - the street dance teacher - is also here.

"Hello, everyone! Thank you for joining us today for this meeting. I know you are all very anxious so I won't take long! As you know, December is a very special month for us. It's when we present the great Nutcracker. It's also a month of a lot of work, so be prepared for several rehearsals and hours dancing." Mrs. Jones starts.

"This year we will do something a little different... Yes, we will have the Nutcracker, so no need to start worrying. But we teachers have spoken and decided it needed a breath of fresh air. Therefore, this year, the Nutcracker won't just be a Ballet show, it will envolve every dance style! Because this is a dance studio and not a ballet studio. What's best then to involve everyone?" Mrs. Jones announces.

Around the room we can hear gasps of surprise, complaints and lots of whispering, as people react to the shocking news.

Mrs. Jones whistles again and the silence resumes.

"I know this is something a lot of you won't agree with but it's time for this rivalry to get to an end. It's non-sense! If you are here is because you all love to dance, so you should think about the things that unit you, instead of comparing styles." She exclaims getting nods and shakes of heads all around the room.

"This said, the roles were distributed to ballet, jazz and hip-hop dancers so that we can have a fun and different fusion. Now, I am going to announce them and I don't want to hear any complaints. We are the teachers and we have the final word. If you don't agree with us and are unhappy, well the door is right there. We don't want to lose anyone, but we won't accept bad behavior. Are we clear?" She states, her threats having the effect she desired.

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