25th December- Dear Santa Claus (2)

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Faith couldn't believe it. Christmas was only three days away.
"You know, I think I will win our deal.", she declared she headed away from one of the main streets. Lucas bit in his corndog. 

"Why would you think that?"
"Well, in the last two weeks, nothing happened, Hence, Christmas Miracles don't exist."
"Christmas is in three days. Maybe the Universe works last minute, too. Why would it be different?" Faith rose her eyebrow skeptically.
"Everyone else here does it, why wouldn't the Universe?", Lucas added. Faith didn't seem convinced, but she didn't want to stress it further. In three days, she'd have the satisfaction of being right. She had spent quite some time with Lucas in the last weeks. Even at work, they had most shifts together. He had become quite a good friend of hers at that time. They stopped in front of a small museum of modern art. It was located in one of those warehouses made of brick stones. The area had a few abandoned houses, yet the street wasn't completely empty or felt unsafe.

Lucas pulled out the tickets. Faith took them and looked at the pattern on the ticket.
Then Lucas's phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID, a tormented look appeared on his face.
"I am sorry, I have to take this one.", he excused himself and went out of earshot. Faith waited impatiently in front of the museum. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to keep the cold away. A little later, Lucas came back. He had a distressed look on his face.
"I am so sorry, but I have to go. There is a family emergency. I will tell you everything later but I have to go now."

"Sure, should I come with you?", she offered. Lucas shook his head.
"No, you should stay. Visit the exhibition. It would be a shame if the tickets go to waste.", he said and left before Faith could answer.
Perplex she watched him run away. Then her gaze fell back to the museum's entrance. She had only agreed to this because Lucas wanted to see this so badly. Faith liked art but she had never been much of a fan of contemporary art.
She shivered. Faith bit her lip, then she decided to go inside. It was no use to keep wandering around in the cold, might as well go in there. She was greeted by a nice warmth. Her skin started to tingle. 

As she walked through the exhibition, she noticed how empty it was. She didn't like the silence. Even breathing seemed too loud.
Faith walked past most paintings and sculptures with a quick glance but there had been one photograph that made her stop. It wasn't big and nothing seemed special about it. It was nothing other than a winter forest scenery in black and white, yet she could feel how the image touched her in a way she's never knew expected it. Her heart ached as she looked at it.
"It's beautiful, isn't it.", a dark voice said next to her. "You can feel everything as if you'd be there." ,he added and took the word out of her mouth. Faith nodded. Then she turned to the voice. The man was taller than her but not that much older, maybe by three or four years. He had a straight posture, with his arms behind his back. He looked as if he'd be ready to solute any time.

Even though he wasn't much older than Faith, his face was painted with sharp lines. His eyes spoke with experience. He had seen things most people should have. The man's lips curled to a smile. A familiar warmth sparked in his eyes. Faith's jaw dropped. Her heart beat faster than it ever could.
"You.. You.. Jacob...What...How...Oh my god.", she stammered and then threw herself in her brother's arms. Jacob picked her up and turned her around. When he finally let her down, Faith didn't want to let go. She held onto him. Her vision was blurred by the tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by her feelings. She pulled him into another embrace.
"What are you doing here?", she asked, her voice was thin and brittle. Jacob let go of her.
"What does it look like? I am here for you, dummy!" Faith giggled. Jacob whipped a tear off her face. Then he pulled her into another hug, squeezing any air out of her.
"Ah, it's good to see you, munchkin." He let go of her. 

"Come on, I have to show you something.", he said eventually and guided her out of the room to the staircase. They walked to the last floor. Jacob pulled out a little chip and opened the door. Faith didn't even ask where he'd get that. She was still trying to grasp the reality, that her brother was here.
Jacob opened the door. The room was dark. The only light came from outside and the Fairy lights that hung all across the room. In the middle laid a big mattress with big pillows. Next to it stood a little tray with biscuits and snacks. A kettle stood in the corner of the room. Jacob walked over immediately and filled to cups with tea. Faith walked slowly towards the mattress. She was surprised by how soft it actually was when she sat down. If she'd hadn't been here with her brother, she might as well describe this place as romantic. Her brother most definitely killed that vibe, yet she was amazed by this place.

Dear Santa Claus - 14 Short Stories Until ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now