1st December - Mountains, Snow and Late Night Kisses (1)

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„And don't forget to sign up for this next week Ski trip!", Miss Hunters said in her high pitched, nasal voice.

The Ski Trip. 
The Ski trip was this annoying tradition of my boarding school that happened during our winter break.
Everyone made a big fuss out of it, because it is one of those rare events where the teachers occasionally got a little drunk, and we were free to be up to mischief. But usually, it ended with someone in hospital or detention for the rest of the year. But apparently, that's what my fellow colleagues defined as fun.

Immediately, Chelsea turned to me, her eyes wide open, sparkling of excitement.
"Jess! Have you sign up yet?"
I shook my head. "Nope", I answer, making a loud plop sound as I pronounce the 'p'. "And I don't intend to."
Chelsea let go of me and looked at me in shock as if I said something very scandalous.
"But you have too! Everyone is going! Including myself."
I raised my eyebrow. "That's not really a deal changer. Besides, not everyone is going: Me"
Chelsea sighted next to me. Then she opened her locker and took her French books out.
"Come on, Jess. It will be fun, I promise!"
"You always say that! And then we end up in a total mess! Like that one time where you said it would be fun to go to that illegal underground party in the subway. We got almost arrested that night!" Chelsea waved it off.
 "We got away, and the party was fun!" I shook my head in disagreement. While Chelsea was dancing and drinking and making out or whatever she did that night, I stood at the side, while this weirdo talked my ear off about How great The Hobbit was.
"But, Jess. This is different."
"That's what you said last time." Chelsea tilted her head, looking at me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I am just saying. Knowing you for over ten years taught me a good lesson or two. So please excuse me, when I have my reason to distrust you about certain things."
Chelsea closed her locker and groaned loudly. "You are so stubborn."
My best friend let her should sack and took a deep breath. Her eyes told me how frustrated she was about me.

"Look, even your brother is going and..." She looked behind my shoulder and grinned. "Jackson is going as well."
Instantly, I feel a warm rush through my face by the mention of his name.
"How do you know?"
Chelsea nodded towards the direction behind me I turned my head, seeing Jackson, smiling while talking with Miss Hunters. Miss Hunters hold her sign -up board open to him and beamed her most radiant smile at him.
Instead of Blendax, some Blendless wouldn't hurt, at least my eyes
"He just signed up."

I felt the heat getting stronger in my body as I see him laugh. Gosh, he was so cute and geeky. Him. That's the kind of guy that I need. An intellectual, kind gentleman. Not like all the other idiots in my school.
Jackson was different. He has been my longterm crush since 3rd grade when I lost my shovel and he gave me his. When our hands touched and our eyes locked... I knew we were destined to be together. But over the years he didn't make a single move and I spent in hiding. But I haven't given up yet.

"You know... they say, the Ski resort is quite a romantic place...", Chelsea said while I couldn't take my eyes off him.
"Wood crackling in the fireplace, hot drinks, cuddling underneath a blanket after a cold and exhausting day of skiing...", Her voice was quiet and for me seemingly in the distance, while my head created pictures of me and Jackson doing exactly what she whispered in my ear.
Quickly, I turned to her. My heart raced. "I- I-, yeah but you know. He will be with his friends and I will be stuck with you. You know there won't happen a thing."
"Yeah, If you don't go then nothing will happen. Like every other day. But Jess, if you really like him...This might be your best shot. I am just saying."

Suddenly, Chelsea gets hugged from behind and a brown-haired guy kissed her neck. Chelsea let out a small squeak but then laughed. "Are you ready for class?", Daniel, my older brother, and Chelsea's boyfriend ask her.
"Hi, to you too!", I say to him. My brother looked up and grinned. "I saw you already this morning. That's enough." I rolled my eyes. He, then, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled Chelsea closer.
"Too bad, we live in the same place."
"I agree." Then turned to Chelsea, his stupid grin still on his face. "We should go."
"But we have 5 more minutes!", she protested, while quickly checking her watch. Daniel kissed her.
"I know." He whispered and grinned. Chelsea replied with another long kiss.
"Yeah, please leave. You're gross right now." Chelsea broke the kiss, snickering. "Okay, okay." Then she locked her fingers with my brother. "But think about what I said." The couple turned away from me, leaving me alone in the hallway. I watched them walk away, they were laughing again. 

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