7th December - The Set-Up

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The thing with best friends is, you can't deny any of their wishes when they come at you with those puppy-eyes. So that's why I am standing in the middle of our town's Christmas market waiting for her, her boyfriend and the boy I dislike most. And there he comes with the biggest smile on his face. After all, someone's feeling good.

"Hello there, got a kiss for me, Tiny?"

What the hell, is he at? "What makes you think that?"

He points to something above my head. "Viscum album. Or mistletoe to the common mouth."

I looked up, but all that I could see were green leaves hanging down from the canopy I was standing under. I stepped back. "Sorry, not for nerds like you."

"Pity. I am in the perfect mood for a kiss."

"Maybe the donkey at Jesus' manger obliges" I said, pointing across the street to the decorated manger. "Surely his kisses are the best you'll ever get."

"Oh, I see, you have experience in this matter. But I don't want to steal your boyfriend."

"Speaking about boyfriend", I happily change the subject, "where is our lovely couple?"

"I don't know. Maybe kissing intensely behind a booth."

I wrinkled my nose. Don't get me wrong. I like couples. But those who shove it right in your face by making out or eating each other, are just disgusting. And my best friend being one of those - even more disgusting.

"Don't be so prude. What do you think they are doing when they sleep in the same bed? Lying next to each other without touching like some raptor feigning death?"

"Do raptors really do that?"

"Well, the red kite does, when captured by humans."

"I still don't like to image Ella making out with Alex."

Just the thought of him touching her on other places than hips of head, makes me shiver. Kind of childish, I know. Maybe it has something to do with me still being a virgin. But that's for a psychologist to judge.

"I thought after you got together with lover-boy Timmy, you lost some of your prudence." I felt the heat in my head. Quickly, I turned around to face the drink menu pinned to the booth wall.

"Your nicknames are really imaginative."

"You did have sex, right?", Christ tried to block my view of the menu.

"None of your business.", I answered evasively and tried to push him away.

"You did not", he smirked.

"I did not say that!"

"But you didn't deny it."

"Move your butt smarty-pants. I want to have a look at the menu." He moved away but didn't let the conversation fall. "Nothing to be ashamed of-"

"Oh, they have Christmas punch. I think I take some while waiting."

With fast steps, I walked to the counter and ordered a punch. I just wanted to bring as much distance between Chris and me as possible. He really was a pain in the neck. After graduating from college, I had been lucky not seeing him. He went to study Biology, while Ella and I got into international studies. Alex – I forgot what Alex was doing. Maybe something that had to do with engineering or design. But I know he was in the same university as Ella and me. Just a different campus. After I got my punch, I turned around to see Chris speaking with someone on his mobile phone. I guess, it's safe now to go back to him.

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