24th December -Dear Santa Claus (1)

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The cheerful melody of Michael Bublé's The More You Give sounded throw the aisles of Paxton's' department store. Christmas was the busiest time of the year. Especially, the last days before Christmas when everyone tried to get a last-minute gift. The aisled were cramped, the entrance blocked and check- out lines lined through every level.
A brunette girl, she could not be much older than five years, pressed her face against the glass of a showcase. She watched the snow fall in the illuminated snowball, fascinated by the little world inside. When her mother appeared next to her, she gave her a hopeful look, but she shook her head. The woman took the hand of her daughter and followed the sign Winter Wonderland. A path of candy canes lead into a big hall, decorated with snow and reindeers. Children lined up, eager to meet Santa Claus.
Santa sat in the middle of the room, on a big red and golden throne. A Christmas tree surrounded by presents stood next to him. On the other side, stood to elves, supporting him.
A camera clicked.
"That's perfect", the Elf behind it said. He walked over to the boy's parents and handed him a code, where they could access the picture later.
Faith rushed from the side entrance, almost knocking out a reindeer on her way to Santa's cabin. She stopped behind another elf.
"Sorry, I am late.", she apologized. Her colleague, Beth, faced her. When she recognized Faith, she smiled.

"Thank god, you are here. My head feels hammered because of all those children. They are constantly crying and screaming, and I think one of them peed their pants.", Beth sighted in exhaustion.
"Well, then have a good rest at home!", Faith replied.

"I can't wait to get out of here." Faith chuckled.
"I am so jealous already. I have the last five-hour shift until the store closes." Beth made a funny face. She patted Faith's shoulder in weak comfort.
"Good Luck. – Oh, your ear falls off! Here let me help you." Beth pressed the fake elf ear back another, making sure it was secure.

"Do you know you will come later?", Faith wanted to know. She had forgotten to check the list. They always do their shift in pairs.
"I think it's Lucas. So that should last." Faith thanked her, then Beth left. Faith took a deep breath, then she walked next to Santa, giving her best elf impression to the kids.


The last boy walked through the big entrance and two worked, dressed as elves closed the doors. Faith felt a weight lifted from her body. Exhaustion rushed over her.
"We did it!", she threw her fist in the air and gave Lucas a High Five. He then handed her a broom.
"Aren't the cleaner supposed to do that?"
"Yeah but look at this place. It's a mess.", he explained. My eyebrows rose a fraction, scrutinizing him skeptically.
"It's called being polite!", he chuckled. I looked back and forth between the broom and the mess. Most of her co-workers have left by now. Beside of the latest NCIS Episode that she had recorded, was no one awaiting her at home. Her parents were gone over the weekend, so she had the house all by herself. The only thing that bother her was the 2 hour trip with the train that late and she wouldn't get paid for
Lucas was already stocking the presents in a perfect order.
"Okay, if I am already going to stay, I won't clean the floor when you get to redecorate the Christmas tree!", Faith declared and leaned the broom against Santa's chair.
Lucas chuckled and I joined his work. They grabbed for the same box, their hands touched briefly. Quickly, Lucas pulled away and let her place it.
Faith got up. Her eyes trailed up the tree. Hundreds of paper pieces hung from the tree. It's the stores' tradition that everyone could write their wishes on little piece of paper and hang it on the tree. Only if you wish hung on that tree, it would become true.
"It's beautiful right?", Lucas said next to her, a soft smile on his lips. Faith nodded.
"It's a nice sentiment."
Lucas raised his eyebrow. "So, you don't think, they can become true?"
Faith sneered.
"It's ink on paper, and paper on a tree. What much good can it do?"
Lucas took a piece. "Oh ok. So, you don't believe that Mary- six years old- won't get a real unicorn for Christmas- alright, maybe that's a bad example." He fumbled through the letters, until he found one he was looking for.
"Look, Tommy is eleven and he wishes to travel to Rome to see a Gladiator fight in the Colosseum and..." Lucas tried to read the scribble. "and he wants a firefighter?" Faith sniggered.
"I'd think that Tommy -Boy might be gay. If he saves his money, he can fly to Rome and for the firefighter: I think a calendar will do just fine for now." Lucas shook his head disappointed.
"Alright. All good things come in threes.", he breathed and had another look through the letters.
"What about this one: Oliver is nine. He wishes that their parents won't celebrate Christmas apart again. Don't you think, that could become true. A family happily reunites on Christmas, celebrating in a home of love and warmth. Wouldn't that be a true Christmas miracle?" Faith gave him a weird look, asking herself if he hadn't breathed in too much of that fake snow.
"It's all a charade anyway. Everyone pretends to be happy on Christmas. Nothing is real about it. Look at this! In every department store sits a Santa Claus, on the streets is a homeless guy wearing a Santa Costume. Christmas is only for commercial reasons. As soon as Christmas is over everyone realized how sad and depressing their lives are."
"Wow.", Lucas blew out impressed, "How did you even get a job here?" Faith smirked.
"Like I said, everyone pretends over Christmas." Lucas shook his head again.
"This is not okay, Faith. I can't let you go through life thinking like that. We need to change that." Faith crossed her hands in front of her chest. A challenging look crept into her eyes.
"And what would that look like?"
Lucas grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.
"You'll write two wishes on this paper. And if they don't become true before Christmas, I will take everything back that I ever said about Christmas and agree to yours.", he challenged her with a confident smile. Faith surveyed him closely. He pushed the paper and pen closer to her. Faith broke into a smile and took them out of his hand.
"Fine. But I have two conditions." Lucas made an inviting gesture.
"You have to write one too and we don't read each others letters." Faith held out her hand. Lucas accepted.

Dear Santa Claus - 14 Short Stories Until ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now