3rd December - Between Starbucks' cups (1)

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By: Dandelion-Girl (Nessie M)

It's the 24th of December, Christmas Eve, my favorite day in the whole year!
Which other day could ever really beat it? Maybe Christmas Day, but to me the best part is actually the anticipation of what's to come.

Beautiful decorations hanging everywhere, Christmas Carols playing on every store or street, children giggling, the smell of spices in the air, oh how I love all of these!

Here I am, downtown, soaking up the festive excitement, as I finish my last minute Christmas shopping. (Yes I know, I just cannot help it...)

It's getting chilly, sign that it's probably about to snow (hopefully not before I arrive home), therefore, I decide to take a break and get something hot to drink.

Starbucks is just on the other side of the street, so I cross it, mentally praying that a certain person isn't working today.

My prayers, however, aren't heard...

The red-headed boy stands behind the counter with his dorky smile. How great! But nothing is ruining my mood, specially not him.

I get in line, rubbing my hands as I try to warm them.
Maybe Jane will be the one taking my order... She usually is quite nice. And anyone would be better than him.

I count the people in front of me. The odds don't seem to be in my favor here... Fingers crossed though!

It's my turn. And no, it didn't work...

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks! What will it be today?" He asks with his best innocent, and very much annoying, look.
"Hi. I would like a tall hot chocolate, please. No whipped cream."
"Certainly. Anything else? One of our Christmas cookies perhaps?"
"No, thanks. That would be it."
"Okay, very well, Miss. What's the name for the order?"
I sigh. Why does he even bother asking? It's not like he's writing my actual name on it...
"Norine." I answer, not even bothering to spell or say it slowly. Nothing works with this guy anyways...

He writes something down, I am curious to know what it is this time, all while wearing a big smile on his face.

I pay for the drink and get settled in a table, waiting for my "name" to called.

"What's the story behind all of this?", you may be wondering. We will get to that soon enough. Unless of course, a real Christmas miracle happens.

"Corine! Hot chocolate for Corine."

Well, there we go...

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath before I get up and pick up my drink. I so want to argue with him... Call it the Christmas miracle that I decide not to.

He hands me the drink, wishing a Merry Christmas, but I completely ignore him.

Yup, he really wrote CORINE! With a wink in front! He must have quite the nerve...

Everyone knows that getting your name correctly on the Starbucks' cup can be a struggle. I get that employees may get confused regarding how to spell a name. That would be okay, if it wasn't for the fact that I have ordered here dozens of times and this is the only guy who simply doesn't get it right!

It's so ridiculous that it has become a joke between my friends and I to discover what will be written this time.

I have had Noreen, Heline, Irene, Karen, Eileen, and others. But never, not one time did he write Norine! And I have tried everything, but at some point I just gave up...

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