The Secret Gets Out

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Albert's Point Of View

I woke up in an unfamiliar room.  Remembering what happened yesterday, I smiled, knowing this was Jake's room.  I got up and went downstairs, greeted by bacon.  Jake handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.  I went to sit on the couch and turned on the TV.  I turned on the news, because it was always fun to watch.  

"Good Morning Florida!  This morning, a girl in her twenties was arrested for stalking multiple celebrities,  and several attempted kidnappings.  Her name is Alyssia Cornet..."  The news reporter kept talking while they showed a picture of the pizza girl that was at our house the other day.  "Jake, look!"  Jake came over, looking at the picture.  "Good riddance.  The creep was texting me last night."  He said.  I continued eating.  

"Wanna do a livestream?  It's been a while, y'know?"  Jake said.  "Sure!"  I said.  "Can it be on my cannel?"  "Sure, but we'll have to drive to your house."


We arrived at my house and I went upstairs.  Simon was eating his food and I scratched his head.

I got onto my PC and logged on. I got the livestream on and got it ready.  Not started, but to where I just had to click the little button. 

"Can we do facecam?"  I yelled.  "Sure."  He replied.  I walked down the stairs.  

"Jake, what are we?"  I ask.  

"What do you mean?"  He asked.  "Relationship wise.  What are we?"  

"Dating?"  Jake said.  I shrugged. 

"Why not?"  I asked.  He smiled and kissed my cheek and headed up the stairs.


"Wanna do some good ol' admin pranks in Adopt and Raise a Baby?"  I asked.  Jake nodded.

I tried to give him a peck on the lips but he didn't want to stop kissing me.  I chucked.  I pushed him away.  

"Jake, stop, we need to record!"  I whine.  "Well, we might have to hold up on on that."  He whispered int my ear.  It gave me shivers.  "Cmon!  We can do something afterwards!  I promise!"  I said.  "Fine..."  He said.  He gave me a hug.  I looked over his shoulder at my computer.


"What?"  Jake looked at me, holding my shoulders. 

My eyes were widened.  I pointed at the screen on the PC.  It showed that it was streaming.  Jake turned around.  "Simon must have been on my desk!"  I went over to see how many people were viewing.  1,967.  The number was growing by the seconds.  "Well, I guess the surprise is out."  I said, looking into the camera and frowning.  

I looked at the chat that was going crazy.



"Im DrEaMiNg"


Jake walked over to me.  "Well, it was going to come out eventually."  He said, patting my back.


"Okay guys, that's it for the stream.  Sorry we couldn't keep the surprise, but yeah."

The comments were flooded with people that were late asking what the surprise was.  

"Okay, I see some of you are late.  Me and Albert, brace yourselves, fangirls, are dating."  Jake said.  We chucked as we saw the chat explode once more.



That's all the chat ever said.  I gave Jake a look and he shrugged.  I pecked him on the lips and ended the stream, smirking.

"Now can we go to Anthony's?"  Jake pleaded.  "Fine."  I said.  We went out and hopped in my car.  We drove over to Anthony's huge house.  


"Oh, hey guys."  Lana said when she opened the door.  "Come on in!"

We walked in the house.  It was really nice and modern.  It had a homey feel.  

"Lana!  Come here!  Leave Al and Jake there!"  I heard Anthony yell from upstairs.

"Be right back."  She said and ran upstairs.

Me and Jake sat on the couch.  "So, whatcha doin?"  He asked me.  "Scrolling through twitter."  I replied.  "Most of my notifications are about the livestream. "   


Jake's Point Of View

It was taking them so long to get down here.  What can possibly take half a hour.  

I heard two pairs of feet stomping down the stairs.  

"Why the hell didn't you tell us?!"  Anthony says, laughing slightly.  "Huh?"  Albert says.  "You're dating?!"  Lana says.  "Chill.  It just happened last night."  I said. 


We all hung out and played Roblox.  It was getting late, so Albert drove us over to my house.

"Please, please, please let me sleep with you!"  Albert whined.  "Fine,"  I groan, rolling my eyes.  "Screw you!"  Albert yelled.  "You wish."  I murmured.  We both broke out into laughter.  We stumbled up the stairs, still giggling.  


I lent Albert one of my way-too-big-on-him shirts, and some of my pajama shorts.  I took off my shirt and went into the bathroom to change while Albert changed in my room.  I put on my pajama pants, but then smirked at myself, and left my shirt on.  I walked up to my bedroom door and knocked.  "Al, you dressed?"  I asked.  "Yeah, come in."  I hear him say, muffled by the door.  I waked in.  From the corner of my eye, I saw him blush.  I smiled.  I walked over and kissed him on the cheek.  I felt him smile.  I walked back over to my oddly large bed.  I pat on the spot next to me, and comes and sits down with me.  We lay down facing the window.  I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my face into his neck.  "I love you.  Goodnight."  I murmur.  "Night, I love you too."  He yawns.

I took in his warmth.  He made me happy.  I slept happily that night, knowing there really was someone out there for me. 


If you didn't see the chapter in my other book, long story short, I had homework, and I was sick.  Here ya go!

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