The Photos

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Albert gasped, but before he knew it, Jake had ended the call.  "Oh man, I can't believe it!  My best friend is moving to my state!  I've never even met him in person before!"  Albert thought.  It was now about 6 in the morning.  The same time that his local McDonald's opened.  

Albert hopped in his car (a small  Volvo S60 Cross Country) to drive to McDonald's.  Then, he noticed a small photo hung around his mirror by a string.  It was a screenshot he had taken a few months ago.  He had printed the screenshot.  It showed Albert and Jake's Roblox characters (disguised) doing the purge admin command.  Albert slightly blushed at the photo without realizing it, and put his eyes back on the road.

Once Albert got to McDonald's he ordered a McMuffin. He walked over to the seating area, to find Lana sitting at a booth.  He sat down beside her.  "Hey Lana!  How are you?"  he said.  "Oh, hey Albert!  Funny seeing you here.  I'm fine.  How about you?"  she said, joyfully sipping her coffee.  "I'm fine.  Hey, I have some news for you!"  "What is is?" she asked.  "Well, Jake is moving to Florida!"  he said, happily.  "That's amazing, Albert!  We all finally get to meet him in person!"  "Yeah, I'm gonna text Anthony when I get home.  He'll be pretty exited, too."  Albert exclaimed.  "Well, I'm gonna get going.  See you later, Albert!"  And with that, Lana got up, put away her phone, threw her empty cup in the trash, and left, waving at Albert.  Albert waved back.  

Albert joyfully scrolled through Twitter, when he sees a new photo, shared by Jayingee.  It showed a few boxes and read, "Got some of my stuffed packed!"  Albert  scrolled through Jake's other recent photos, and it showed a picture of Jake smiling.  It read, "Moving to Florida in a week!  finally get to meet my best friend!"  Albert blushed again.  

Suddenly, Albert's ringtone played loudly.  Albert answered the call.  "Hey dude!"  someone said it a stupid baby voice.  It was Jake.  "Hey man, what's up?  I saw your photos on Twitter."  Albert said.  "Oh, you did?  Cool.  Anyways, I need to ask you a favor."  "What is it, dipstick, I'm gonna say no, anyways."  Albert said sarcastically.  Jake chuckled.  "Yeah, yeah...sure.  Anyways, I was wondering if you could pick me up at the airport on Friday?"  asked Jake.  "Sure. What time?"  Albert said.  "5:40 PM."  Jake said.  "Ok, sure.  Jeez, that's late."  "Yeah, I know, but I wont be done with packing everything on  Friday, so I'll have to pack a bit when I wake up.  I'll have to wake up early, so that I can buy some snacks for the plane, and so I can eat breakfast.  Then, I have to drive all the way to an airport in Pennsylvania.  Plus, the two hour flight.  I'll end up getting there at 4:30 PM, but I know that the airport is about an hour away from you.  Soooooooooo, there you have it."  Jake frantically explained.  "Okay, you dork, I didn't need the first 300 digits of PI."  Albert joked.  "Alright, talk to you later, bye."  "Bye, dork." Albert joked again.

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